Fredo now says he's "Vax Injured."


Two Star General
Full Member
Jul 20, 2020
Chris Cuomo, who pushed the vax along with fellow CNN cockgobbler Don Lemon, saying the unvaxed should be fired, not allowed to go out in public including grocery stores to buy food for their families and instead put in quarintine death camps, you know, the exact Mark of the Beast plan the concpiracy nuts tried to warn people about back in the 80's, has done a complete 180 and is saying he's now suffering from effects of the vax.


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Chris Cuomo, who pushed the vax along with fellow CNN cockgobbler Don Lemon, saying the unvaxed should be fired, not allowed to go out in public including grocery stores to buy food for their families and instead put in quarintine death camps, you know, the exact Mark of the Beast plan the concpiracy nuts tried to warn people about back in the 80's, has done a complete 180 and is saying he's now suffering from effects of the vax.


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I don’t believe for a minute this faggot is vaccine injured. It’s just he’s exhausted all other avenues of staying relevant and he sees this is his only chance……..
I don’t believe for a minute this faggot is vaccine injured. It’s just he’s exhausted all other avenues of staying relevant and he sees this is his only chance……..
Probably. He's so insignificant, along with his nipple ring'd brother with his grease-trap face creases,
I hadn't even considered his underlying motive.

He's off Pfizer's fake news payroll and needing a job. MSNBC is overrun with commie rejects and isn't hiring.
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LOL, I hope it's true. Sorry, I give less than zero fucks about the Covid Vaxx Nazis and their self-imposed suffering. It was one thing to get the vaxx if you wanted it, quite another to berate, shame and belittle others who (wisely) chose not to get it. So I hope he and other militant pro-vaxx dirtbags enjoy a life of pain and misery, fuck em.
I'm sure big pharma is working on a cure for all this as we speak. A vax for the vaxed, if you will.

Society = Duped into the vax, or duped into wishing your fellow man ill will. Either were duped!

I hope these people don't die, and I hope their families are not heartbroken with loss, regardless of their trespass on mine or other's lives. I really hope big pharma has to pay massive refunds! There are lots of criminals that I hope meet their maker sooner rather than later, but not people who thought they were doing the right thing by getting a vaccine. I don't have a lot of sympathy for them, but I don't wish them ill will either. I assure you, I have made plenty of bad choices in my life, and more to come.
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LOL, I hope it's true. Sorry, I give less than zero fucks about the Covid Vaxx Nazis and their self-imposed suffering. It was one thing to get the vaxx if you wanted it, quite another to berate, shame and belittle others who (wisely) chose not to get it. So I hope he and other militant pro-vaxx dirtbags enjoy a life of pain and misery, fuck em.
Considering I knew of the Globalist's plandemic and their vax plan for the last forty years, long before vax Nazis knew about it and before some were even born, I feel the same about them and their fate as I do this summer's mosquitos that aren't even larva yet that my ten year old bug zapper will be killing .
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If this dipshit was going on his image rehab tour and apologizing to everyone he insulted and threatened I could take him a tiny bit seriously. He’s not though, so fuck him and anyone who sympathizes with him
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I had a friend in the trucking business that claims his brother made many tens of millions $ in covid supplies. Something about a warehouse in his mother's maiden name receiving many many millions of dollars in covid supplies during the covid "outbreak"... Probably won't see that on the evening news...
I'm sure "Andy Nipple rings" kicked money up to his fellow NY mobsters and 10% to the 'big guy.'
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I'm sure big pharma is working on a cure for all this as we speak. A vax for the vaxed, if you will.

Society = Duped into the vax, or duped into wishing your fellow man ill will. Either were duped!

I hope these people don't die, and I hope their families are not heartbroken with loss, regardless of their trespass on mine or other's lives. I really hope big pharma has to pay massive refunds! There are lots of criminals that I hope meet their maker sooner rather than later, but not people who thought they were doing the right thing by getting a vaccine. I don't have a lot of sympathy for them, but I don't wish them ill will either. I assure you, I have made plenty of bad choices in my life, and more to come.
This is not even a close comparison to what the vaxx pushers were doing. Your mistakes were probably due to youth, ignorance or a female. Those fuckers were driven by money and control. They were pushing for concentration camps for the un-vaxxed. They shut down business, took children from parents, wrecked livelihoods and futures for families/people that stood their ground. People that were doing nothing but pushing back against injections that had not completed safety nor efficacy trials. The vaxx pushers prevented people from being by loved ones that were dying and dumped infected into nursing homes were the elderly were exposed and died. They pushed for injections for infants and kids where there were no reports of illness or deaths in that group in the US. I hope each and every one of them die a terrible death AFTER they have lost everything they made from the injections. They were all modern day nazi's performing experiments on people that felt like they had no recourse or were too stupid to say no.
This is not even a close comparison to what the vaxx pushers were doing. Your mistakes were probably due to youth, ignorance or a female. Those fuckers were driven by money and control. They were pushing for concentration camps for the un-vaxxed. They shut down business, took children from parents, wrecked livelihoods and futures for families/people that stood their ground. People that were doing nothing but pushing back against injections that had not completed safety nor efficacy trials. The vaxx pushers prevented people from being by loved ones that were dying and dumped infected into nursing homes were the elderly were exposed and died. They pushed for injections for infants and kids where there were no reports of illness or deaths in that group in the US. I hope each and every one of them die a terrible death AFTER they have lost everything they made from the injections. They were all modern day nazi's performing experiments on people that felt like they had no recourse or were too stupid to say no.
A big-tech mogul with ties to China and a son who's a bigshot at Google, warned me ten years ago about a pandemic that would be a bigger catastrophe on a global scale than anything mankind has experinced in the past. And it was all man-made, manufactured and designed to do just that, to kill people en masse. And they're not finished.
Hope his death is slow and painful.

His BS Vax-pushing killed tens if not hundreds of thousands...

He should get no sympathy and no treatment.

And were it up to me... his lingering deathy would be painful like medieval torture shit painful.

No refunds. Tribunals would find you guilty. Die in pain. POS.

I think Jimmy Dore nails it.

Cuomo is nothing but a degenerate pusher of corporate propaganda, and only cared to find out about vax injuries and ivermectin after he personally gets injured, and isn't on the take of big pharma funds on CNN anymore.

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Well ohh well … he had to contract monkey pox just being next to the faggot hero donnie since every time they go to a commercial break they start licking each others asses and fucking the pooch.
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Chris Cuomo, who pushed the vax along with fellow CNN cockgobbler Don Lemon, saying the unvaxed should be fired, not allowed to go out in public including grocery stores to buy food for their families and instead put in quarintine death camps, you know, the exact Mark of the Beast plan the concpiracy nuts tried to warn people about back in the 80's, has done a complete 180 and is saying he's now suffering from effects of the vax.


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Good for him, I hope it hurts the whole time he's dying. Fuck that guy. No refunds shitbag.

Trying to sell the injury to avoid consequences for his actions.

That or maybe part of a leftist effort to establish a narrative to get ahead of what’s likely coming in the future as more and more gets revealed about COVID origins, how it was handled, and the safety & efficiency of the “vaccines”.