Night Vision NODS and the northern lights


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Full Member
Feb 16, 2017
We’ve been getting some of the northern lights all the way down here in Arizona and people I’ve been taking pictures of them, but they’re hard to see with the naked eye. Has anyone tried looking at them with their goggles? I’m just wondering how much IR is in them . I might try waking up at midnight and looking.
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I'm in northern UT. It was gently visible with the naked eye but outrageously colorful and intense when photographed with 4-5 second exposures. However, when I looked through my NVGs, it was underwhelming. I have a set of fairly high spec Elbit tubes (2800 FOM). It just looked like dirty streaks on the lenses.

That being said, I've seen some videos people have put online today which they captured through their own NVGs and their videos look much better than my own experience of only looking with my eyeballs through my NVGs. I did not attempt to record through them. I wonder if there's a similar pattern here where the effects are magnified when being captured on a digital sensor.
I'm in northern UT. It was gently visible with the naked eye but outrageously colorful and intense when photographed with 4-5 second exposures. However, when I looked through my NVGs, it was underwhelming. I have a set of fairly high spec Elbit tubes (2800 FOM). It just looked like dirty streaks on the lenses.

That being said, I've seen some videos people have put online today which they captured through their own NVGs and their videos look much better than my own experience of only looking with my eyeballs through my NVGs. I did not attempt to record through them. I wonder if there's a similar pattern here where the effects are magnified when being captured on a digital sensor.
Well, I doubt if my tubes are that good, I mean they’re decent, now I’m wondering if it’s worth it to get up. Mine are also the older Green type instead of the fancier, white phosphorus. I wonder how that would affect the color. Are yours white or green?