

Biden — pandering in Atlanta: "I got more Morehouse men in the White House telling me what to do than I know what to do! You all think I'm kidding, don't you?" pic.twitter.com/XTWlDxJDTO
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) May 19, 2024
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I took the driving part for my temporary drivers in my uncle’s 59 Corvette , same color as his. Even had the top off. The State Trooper loved it !! My uncle sold his in 75 for 6k. Had only 40K miles , mostly in 1/4 mile increments 👋
He‘d be rolling in his grave if he knew one was valued at 400K. 🥴
Don’t worry! He’d be just fine, knowing It’s the same buying power…
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Since at least 2009:
"Many real-life applications rely on nanobot systems. These systems often imitate very simple tiny insects that can accomplish complex tasks. A swarm of nanobots can enhance the quality of life with the initial detection of diseases and treats patients with non-invasive surgeries. Since nanobots have highly controversial specifications due to quantum theory, this paper focuses only on innovative ideas as a future horizon. We define a list of objectives for coronary artery bypass. In this context, the swarm of nanobots reaches the limited flow artery and collaborates to remove the plaque. In addition, an online medical check-out system is stated in which swarm nanobots can be applied for initial disease detection. Finally, some ideas regarding medical check-out without visiting medical doctors and cancer treatments using this technology are discussed."
Since at least 2009:
"Many real-life applications rely on nanobot systems. These systems often imitate very simple tiny insects that can accomplish complex tasks. A swarm of nanobots can enhance the quality of life with the initial detection of diseases and treats patients with non-invasive surgeries. Since nanobots have highly controversial specifications due to quantum theory, this paper focuses only on innovative ideas as a future horizon. We define a list of objectives for coronary artery bypass. In this context, the swarm of nanobots reaches the limited flow artery and collaborates to remove the plaque. In addition, an online medical check-out system is stated in which swarm nanobots can be applied for initial disease detection. Finally, some ideas regarding medical check-out without visiting medical doctors and cancer treatments using this technology are discussed."
The question I have that I haven’t found an answer for is how they are flushed from the body.
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Don’t worry! He’d be just fine, knowing It’s the same buying power…
I was probably 16 here. Someone always hit him up to use His Vette for parades. I got the job he….he…..
…..I liked it better when the Queen sat where her leg was rubbing my arm 😉
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What powers the nanorobots?
They use you for power. I was listening to a podcast about this a few weeks ago, I’ll see if I can find it. I put up a piece here about it a while back. Some laughed. This tech is here.

My issue with this is - among many I have with it - is that these items have a useful life. After that where they go is not clear. My fear is that they could clog the nephrons in the kidneys, imbed in the circulatory walls of either the blood stream or lymphatic system and cause further issues. If they are able to cross the blood-brain barrier and cease functioning there that’s a bad deal. And I haven’t heard anything about the inherent long term toxicity of them, regardless of how they are used.

My point is that people are hyping it up but being pretty oblique about where they go when the job is done. I need to look more deeply into what UKD stated but I’m inclined to believe it.
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The U.S. Senate will once again vote on a bipartisan border security bill this week after previous efforts collapsed when Republicans withdrew their support, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said in a letter to colleagues Sunday.
In the letter, Schumer said the Border Act had received endorsements from the likes of the National Border Patrol Council and that congressional Republicans and Democrats alike were "prepared to join arms and act to secure our nation’s border."
Schumer took shots at his Republican colleagues, who he accused of acquiescing to former President Trump after he "demanded [that] congressional Republicans kill the legislation."
The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution stipulates that the right to vote in federal elections for the Senate, House of Representatives and presidency is limited to U.S. citizens.

Our current honor system on the part of registrants under the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 includes a provision that created a federal voter registration form that requires applicants under penalty of perjury to check a “yes” or “no” box as to whether they are U.S. citizens. However, the federal form does not require any proof of citizenship, and its use has been shown to be ineffective in deterring non-citizens from registering to vote.

They use you for power. I was listening to a podcast about this a few weeks ago, I’ll see if I can find it. I put up a piece here about it a while back. Some laughed. This tech is here.

You are probably thinking about Annie Jacobson on Rogan discussing DARPA's mind-control nano/xenobots - yes they use DNA to create protein and they do get through the blood brain barrier. Remember, they are at least 20 years ahead of what they "leak" out.

Just remember for every Robert Malone creating technology there is a Bill Gates to exploit it.
You are now a minority. No one is coming.

WASHINGTON, May 20 (Reuters) - About half of U.S. voters oppose putting immigrants in the country illegally into detention camps while awaiting deportation, a new Reuters/Ipsos poll shows, suggesting Americans may be wary of harsher enforcement plans Donald Trump is considering.
Some 54% of registered voters opposed the use of detention camps while 36% supported such a move and 10% said they did not know or did not respond, the poll found. Still, 56% said most or all immigrants in the U.S. illegally should be deported.

Republican presidential candidate Trump has made cracking down on illegal immigration a central plank of his reelection campaign against Democratic President Joe Biden. Immigration has emerged as a top issue for voters, particularly Republicans, in the run-up to the Nov. 5 election.
The New York Times reported last year that former President Trump, if reelected, planned to build large camps to hold immigrants pending a possible deportation.

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