Which of these flags would trigger your commie neighbors the most?

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3rd national CSA not even mentioned.
Friggin amateurs.
First national is for those who want to confound and confuse the opposition, without them ever being the wiser.
Prime example....
When Georgia removed the battle flag from their state flag. When I saw the new "approved" flag I just laughed my ass off.
SOME people are uncurably stupid.


Any modern-day commie has obviously never read a history book so any of these flags except the US flag wouldn't mean anything to them.
If you wanted to trigger them, you would be better off with the BLM/antifa/CCP/etc symbol with a red cross through it or a picture of an elephant eating a donkey
This reminded me that I need to gift a couple flags to a couple neighbors.

One guy is a contractor and is gone for extended periods of time. His flag is worn and ripped badly. While I appreciate that he flies it, I’d prefer it be a new one for Memorial Day. Another is a friend dealing with major health issues and his flag ripped in the latest storms.
Been flying my 6'x8' Betsy Ross flag upside down ever since Jan 6. Ist cav flag beside it. No D bag neighbors around. Alotta of perps go by honking their horns.
3rd national CSA not even mentioned.
Friggin amateurs.
First national is for those who want to confound and confuse the opposition, without them ever being the wiser.
Prime example....
When Georgia removed the battle flag from their state flag. When I saw the new "approved" flag I just laughed my ass off.
SOME people are uncurably stupid.

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I had a First National Flag sticker on my flight bag for years until we switched to having all our manuals on the iPad. And keep in mind I was based in Atlanta at that time. Only had one person in 6-7 years tell me they liked my flag. Had several ask what flag that was and would say First National Flag and they would always reply back with nice/cool/awesome. I’d always walk away laughing.
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I don't have commies for neighbors. The meth heads might steal a flag. They won't know what it means but the pawn shop might give them 2 dollars for it.
I have one of these. Haven't put it up anywhere yet. It will be interesting to see how mad somebody can get at something this ridiculous.:ROFLMAO:

On a side note, a friend of mine (female 25), had no idea the Gadsden flag wasn't a new thing until she went to some historical sites back east. Somehow that generation typically doesn't know anything older than a few years ago and their memory seems to dump periodically like a dash cam. They're a politician's dream.
The American flag, democrats despise it, socialists hate it and communists loath it.

We lived in a small town in central Washington for my last six years of work. The old Democrat whore across the street came over to say, "Are you one of those Trumpers with your American flag!?!?" I replied, "Fuck you, I spent 27 years in the military and I'll fly whatever flag I like on my fucking house."

The old whore says, "OH, thank you for your service." And starts to march off across the street. I kindly said, "Fuck you too."

Fly anything, who cares. During the 2020 election we had cars of commie thugs stopping at every home with a flag and taking pictures. So they know where to start hunting if they win elections.
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My next door neighbor doesn’t want there to be any questions re: where he stands…he is an old retired Navy dude and the archetype “Masshole” after all! LoL


Makes mine almost boring…but I like to keep it simple.

The Pine Tree flag is still an official Massachusetts flag - it is the official Massachusetts naval ensign.

They secularized it in the 70s by removing “An Appeal to Heaven”

When designing our “Bakers Dozen” T-shirts I opted for the pine tree flag over the state seal.

Seemed more appropriate to our cause.