Supreme Court rules in favor of NRA in New York case vs Vullo.


Applied Ballistics
Full Member
Apr 16, 2014
The US Supreme Court found that New York potentially violated the 1st Amendment. "Today, the Court reaffirms what it said then: Government officials cannot attempt to coerce private parties in order to punish or suppress views that the government disfavors," They ruled (once again) that government agencies cannot use threats of legal sanctions and other coercion to entice business to cease doing business with other parties (like banks refusing business with 2A legal businesses). In this case " "guidance letters" in 2018 to banks and insurance companies encouraging them to sever ties with the NRA and other pro-Second Amendment organizations, citing reputational risks.
Weren't no "potentially' involved.
This ruling was essentially to say the case may continue. They have not issued a final ruling, but New York had moved to dismiss. The Court ruled their was enough evidence of a violation of the Constitution so the case is to move forward.

Potentially is because still need a final ruling.
This is a pretty big deal!

Not that it will stop the commies. Lawfare is about bankrupting and stifling and slander.

That it is proved unconstitutional years later is a hollow victory when your name is ruined and your bank account empty.

But based on the article, the NRA may now be able to demand discovery of all the NY communications and sue the daylights out of them.

When really the folks who engage in this should be disbarred, prosecuted and jailed for their crimes.

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I think this trend is interesting

In a unanimous decision written by Justice Sonia Sotomayor

And that the decision was written by a liberal judge somewhat gives me hope. The same way it was unanimous in the case of keeping Trump off the ballot in Colorado.

I'd like to believe the pendulum has begun to swing the other way. Not holding my breath though.
This is a pretty big deal!

Not that it will stop the commies. Lawfare is about bankrupting and stifling and slander.

That it is proved unconstitutional years later is a hollow victory when your name is ruined and your bank account empty.

But based on the article, the NRA may now be able to demand discovery of all the NY communications and sue the daylights out of them.

When really the folks who engage in this should be disbarred, prosecuted and jailed hung for their crimes.
