No one is above the law? the US gov never lies?

you guys keep saying biden is stupid. he is not. demented on several levels,he is. back in his day he was corrupt,perverted,anti american and quite slick. not clinton level slick,but. if he were not demented,he would still be doing the same shit with more control. he has always been one of those in power that hates america,it's values,the middle class,christianity,individual liberty,guns,etc etc. now he is just obama's straw man,america's treadeau. his usefulness will expire sometime in the next year. his handlers have many paths they can follow. eg steal the election again,register the wet backs and tell them how to vote,do another pandemic scam,start civil violence and cancel the election with marshall law,start a direct war with russia or stage their own coup. many choices none of them will leave anything resembling the world i grew up in. already doesn't.
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you guys keep saying biden is stupid. he is not. demented on several levels,he is. back in his day he was corrupt,perverted,anti american and quite slick. not clinton level slick,but. if he were not demented,he would still be doing the same shit with more control. he has always been one of those in power that hates america,it's values,the middle class,christianity,individual liberty,guns,etc etc. now he is just obama's straw man,america's treadeau. his usefulness will expire sometime in the next year. his handlers have many paths they can follow. eg steal the election again,register the wet backs and tell them how to vote,do another pandemic scam,start civil violence and cancel the election with marshall law,start a direct war with russia or stage their own coup. many choices none of them will leave anything resembling the world i grew up in. already doesn't.
He’s very stupid. Cause if he don’t think he’s goin to have to answer for all his bullshit, he would be wrong