Idaho water curtailment


Ham Fisted Gorilla
Full Member
Feb 17, 2014
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What seems to have happenned is that instead of only reducing how much they pump with the curtailment. This year they have eliminated or suspended their right to pump any water. Not only that but waitited until farmers were fully invested in this year's crop.
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Old article, remember, last year there was a massive drought across the west, and ground water supplies were dwindling, they were moving to preserve the supplies.

Typical of youtube videos to over dramatize everything and go straight to the "we're all gonna die, they're trying to kill us" narrative.

Old article, remember, last year there was a massive drought across the west, and ground water supplies were dwindling, they were moving to preserve the supplies.

Typical of youtube videos to over dramatize everything and go straight to the "we're all gonna die, they're trying to kill us" narrative.

The article is old the video is 6 days old.

There was no massive drought across the west. They ran the CO River basin empty trying to make the Colorado River reach the ocean. And other wise mismanaged trillions of gallons of water.

What do you think these farmers will do with millions invested in crops they can't water?
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Old article, remember, last year there was a massive drought across the west, and ground water supplies were dwindling, they were moving to preserve the supplies.

Typical of youtube videos to over dramatize everything and go straight to the "we're all gonna die, they're trying to kill us" narrative.

Fucking YouTube is 98% garbage and click bait.
The article is old the video is 6 days old.

There was no massive drought across the west. They ran the CO River basin empty trying to make the Colorado River reach the ocean. And other wise mismanaged trillions of gallons of water.

What do you think these farmers will do with millions invested in crops they can't water?
File a claim with crop insurance and get paid regardless.

File a claim with crop insurance and get paid regardless.

Not nessisarly how crop insurance works. But 6400 farmers on 500,000 acres with no water because the state is wanting them to stop pumping water for irrigation. 100% instead of cutting back like in past years. Seems smart.
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The state of Idaho has shut water off to 6000 thousand farmers and 500,000 acres after Idaho farmers already have their crops planted for the year.

This is how they break farmers and take their land.

So just go and tap into the main water line themselves. Haha. Turn it back on. Farmers are pretty good at stuff like that. Band together like those in Europe did.
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Has to do with water rights. People with pre-1954 water rights are GTG. They put so many new pivots out of Hagerman for example that peoples wells are going dry. Not enough water.

If it was a global warming fantasy the feds would be involved. Not seeing that. Old Farming families with 1800's water right are running out of water. That's how it works. Bunch of lawsuits...

Old water rights gets the water. That's how it works.
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The article is old the video is 6 days old.

There was no massive drought across the west. They ran the CO River basin empty trying to make the Colorado River reach the ocean. And other wise mismanaged trillions of gallons of water.

What do you think these farmers will do with millions invested in crops they can't water?
Collect insurance and keep going.
Wiping out the ground water under Arizona. There is so much water under Arizona. You want it a thousand feet under ground or on the surface where it's doing some immediate good....

I wonder who wanted the water they were using for hay. 🤔 Want to bet pumping from that aquifer has not decreased one bit after their water was stolen.
I think it was in Arizona that Saudi Arabia was wiping out all the ground water growing alfalfa for hay to ship back for their fancy race horses.
I hear they were getting pretty good at making it rain over there in the Middle East, at least UAE.

^Millions of $$ when we are sending billions to Ukraine?

Had to include the above with Donald Sutherland.
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This is how they starve people like us out of existence. With no real-time reaction it only takes days for a planted crop to waste away.
They want the farms and ranches ruined for their current productive uses, so they can be sold to billionaires and millionaires for either Hobby Ranch or development purposes. When you've crushed the farmer/rancher, he will sell for a loss. Idaho, Montana and Wyoming are targeted in 21st Century for these conversions to Disneylands for Billionaires.

Same as the farms and ranches of SoCal surrounding what now is greater LA River basin, post-WW2, in CA. Might be a good time to watch the detective movie w/ Jack Nicholson, Chinatown. That story isn't perfectly accurate, historically speaking, but it talks about the same motives.
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It might be hard for people who don't live near ID, or haven't traveled through ID, to realize just how dry/desert-like the topography is, generally. Throughout the state. They get a lot of sun in the warm, growing season part of the year, and not a lot of rain. Winter is a different story, but what you get in the winter (and prior fall, and late spring precip) pretty much determines your water for the season.

These concepts are tough to understand for people who live in areas where all water is a municipal thing, parceled out by a water authority, used mostly to water lawns and personal gardens.

Farmers and ranchers depend on an annual draw from their irrigation source. Their entire season depends on it, and the off-season (processing) time depends on it as well.

No matter what fluff is being thrown about to justify the measure underway, it has no benevolent motive that I can see. I suspect it is being done to assess whether the ID farmers and ranchers will buckle, or stand up.
This is the area in Az that the Hadji's were farming alfalfa on for the Saudi kings horses.
No shit, one of his son's was living high as hell in Phoenix and over seeing the farmage.
They were using about the same amount on Colorado river water that Phoenix was.
(Hope this shows correctly, it's west of Phoenix and Salome, east of Quartzite in the middle of fucking nothing sand waste desert.....takes a shitload of water)
I've been by there quite a few times always thinking WTF was anyone thinking trying to grow shit there.

BTW, this is the home the Saudi princeling little fuck was living in.....used to belong to a baseball player and then the Hadji went overboard and poured money into it.
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As this thread moves along and not trying to change the focus of the conversation, when you stop and consider all the other downsizing of farming around the world the future famine starts to take shape.
The phrase you will own nothing, is popular but needs to be amended to also include you will be hungry owning nothing in the future.
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This is the area in Az that the Hadji's were farming alfalfa on for the Saudi kings horses.
No shit, one of his son's was living high as hell in Phoenix and over seeing the farmage.
They were using about the same amount on Colorado river water that Phoenix was.
(Hope this shows correctly, it's west of Phoenix and Salome, east of Quartzite in the middle of fucking nothing sand waste desert.....takes a shitload of water)
I've been by there quite a few times always thinking WTF was anyone thinking trying to grow shit there.

BTW, this is the home the Saudi princeling little fuck was living in.....used to belong to a baseball player and then the Hadji went overboard and poured money into it.
They grow alfalfa hay there because it grows well in those conditions. They also grow it in dry places because then you don't need a dehydrator plant to dry it out. That's one reason lots of alfalfa hay production moved from Eastern KS to Eastern CO.

Are you surprised a prince was living in a lavish home? Or is that green monster inside you getting poked? You think it's cool they stole their water because they are rich?
As a non irrigatted farmer, I am trying to do my best to grow abundantly. However we are literally in a drought that started 10 or 15 years ago. Another heat dome and La Nina has set in again. My corn is dieing, soybeans and milo will be right behind it if it does what weather forcasters say. I just want some good grass for my cows. Not this summer.
I have kids in college and nearly in college. They have rarely if ever seen any winter snow. Our area traditionally gets two or three good snows every winter. Not anymore. My kids have grown up in a drought. Fishing ponds all went dry. Most creeks as well. I have been telling nade famine is coming. They think I am crazy. Look at how fragile and corrupt our packing industry is. Right now catle numbers are short, but I can't retain mama cows if I can't feed or water them. Every urban redneck says "I'll go hunting!" There is not enough wikdlife to feed us.
Get ready. We are going to be hungry on purpose. I can't raise food without rain.