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Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

Image 19.jpg
Should have kneecapped him with his own gun

This... And in Latin America, if the bandit is lucky and the townsmen are in a pleasant mood and decide to let him live, they usually shoot him through the top of both hands. After he recovers, he will forever bear the two very visible identifying marks on his hands that label him as a bandit, wherever he goes. Sexual criminals get something carved or burned onto their foreheads, that is, if the townsfolk do let them live...

There was a video from Colombia years back where a guy was trying to get into a bar and while he was paying for something, the cashier saw a GSW on his hand. He tells the guy to show his other hand, which also has a matching, healed gunshot. At this point, the bouncers and other bartenders had all crowded around and were telling the guy to leave and he wasn't welcome in their establishment. When the guy tried to explain, they all laughed at him, pointed at his hands, and laughed even harder...
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It's fucking sad the "porn cartoon-gal LOOK" has become accepted for women outside of porn- you know the look: too big fake tits, fake lips, fake asses, way too many tattoos... It's a pathetic caricature.

Pic, because rulezzz

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The crazy part is that at the same time the “porn” look which in theory is the hottest most sexy….society is also embracing being fat and obese is attractive as well
Should have kneecapped him with his own gun

No need. In a large number of these type videos, it's the street that does the real damage. The punch may knock them out, but it's falling backwards and smashing the back of their head that does them in, causes the traumatic brain injury, the signs of which we see there.
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One of the iconic US military longarms that is also one of the primary .30-06 deer rifles of the Greatest Generation. Gone are the days when Bannerman's, Navy Arms, and Mitchell's Mausers had barrel loads of M1903s and M1917s at prices lower than a reproduction Springfield 1861 rifled musket at the time, but they are still occasionally showing up if one knows where to look...