How wet/dry do you run your bolt-actions during a match?


Dry firing at fridge magnets
Full Member
Feb 29, 2024
Southern Colorado
Your bolt-actions, how wet or dry do you run them when putting them through matches? I typically run fairly dry (lube, wipe-in/off), but may need to change this strategy given that this past weekend I had some binding up in my action while going through a course of fire.
Answers will depend on the dust where the respondent shoots. For me, in the Rocky Mountain west, a ittle bit of Hornady one shot cleaner and lube on the lugs, cycle with the trigger held down a few times and then wipe everything off.

ANYTHING more, like a dab of grease, a big spray of lube like @Rob01 does (I tried his method for a couple matches), or god forbid some kind of oil, just results in a gummy paste of grit in the action that will eventually inhibit bolt closure and become an increasing PITA over the course of a day of match shooting.

Long story short, I run it really dry.
I use sparing grease on lugs on the sides back and running surface. Never the front. I run the rest of the outer surface of bolt dry. Exceptions will be where cocking system wants a super tiny bit of grease as well.
For 22s or actions where bolt body outer is a engaged riding surface with receiver i do use the one shot.
Out west you you want dry (+lug grease). Some of the dry spray lubes work good, but I never use them anymore. CO, NM, AZ, WY, UT have some crazy dust and dirt. And if its windy your usually just fucked. Always have a rag handy (and not your old lady).