You have to love Beretta/Sako customer service.......or lack of


Full Member
Jul 1, 2008
So I've been having issues with my s20 in 300 win mag for awhile feeding. What happens is the follower gets stuck in the rear so the back of the case does not rise up and the bolt does not pick up a round. It was previously sent to Beretta for other issues and I asked them to address the magazine issue. They sent it back saying they could not replicate the issue. Now this is a pretty well known issue for early s20's esp. in long action. So much so some have been making mag kit fixes being sold aftermarket. There have been reports of Beretta replacing mags for some owners with the updated version.

So fast forward a few months and for giggles after a frustrating lack feeding at the range, I made a customer support ticket and sent in pictures of the issues, it happens with both my 3 and 7 round mags.

So today I got a reply, in like 2 days which is impressive because the first time I had to send the gun back in it took months to get a response and setup, and then they tried to have me sent it to the wrong shop (Beretta has several contract gunsmiths that work on various different issues, they tried to have me send it to a shotgun smith).

The reply was impressively disappointing. They admitted they knew there was a problem with the mags, but that they "Currently did not have a program to replace the defective mags" even though they are available. "Sometime in the future" they may offer stronger spring kits for users with mag feeding issues.

Their solution was to graciously offer me a 10% off code so I could buy updated replacement magazines from them for the ones they admit are defective but refuse to replace, and then closed my support ticket.
So I've been having issues with my s20 in 300 win mag for awhile feeding. What happens is the follower gets stuck in the rear so the back of the case does not rise up and the bolt does not pick up a round. It was previously sent to Beretta for other issues and I asked them to address the magazine issue. They sent it back saying they could not replicate the issue. Now this is a pretty well known issue for early s20's esp. in long action. So much so some have been making mag kit fixes being sold aftermarket. There have been reports of Beretta replacing mags for some owners with the updated version.

So fast forward a few months and for giggles after a frustrating lack feeding at the range, I made a customer support ticket and sent in pictures of the issues, it happens with both my 3 and 7 round mags.

So today I got a reply, in like 2 days which is impressive because the first time I had to send the gun back in it took months to get a response and setup, and then they tried to have me sent it to the wrong shop (Beretta has several contract gunsmiths that work on various different issues, they tried to have me send it to a shotgun smith).

The reply was impressively disappointing. They admitted they knew there was a problem with the mags, but that they "Currently did not have a program to replace the defective mags" even though they are available. "Sometime in the future" they may offer stronger spring kits for users with mag feeding issues.

Their solution was to graciously offer me a 10% off code so I could buy updated replacement magazines from them for the ones they admit are defective but refuse to replace, and then closed my support ticket.
I’m not familiar with Sako mags but can you pull the follower out and stretch the spring a bit. I do this with AW mags as I think they are a bit soft. Just a thought.

And did Beretta try to send you to Cole’s? They do a lot of shotgun contract service for Beretta who are essentially useless and don’t give a fuck if you like it or not.
Yeah there used to be kits on ebay etc. someone was making to help the issue, it was basically a thin spacer for the back of the mag that kept the follower from tipping I guess. Seems like they've since stopped now that Sako has updated their magazine. A stronger spring would probably fix the issue too. I haven't messed with them but might as well at this point. They do come apart but being plastic it sounds like they come apart easier......and maybe too easily afterwards.

Not sure if it was Cole's or not, but it was definitely not the right place. I only caught it because they had a note on their warranty/service page that all accuracy/feeding related issues had to go back to Beretta directly.

It's not a bad gun but I can see why they are not selling well in the states, the stock feels like super cheap brittle plastic, and the mags just feel cheap. Most seem to shoot well and the triggers are quite good for a single stage.
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I actually bought my machine shop because Beretta pissed me off so bad. I had a finlight that shot terrible. I scoped it and you could see marks and feel them. They had me send it to bolsa in California. When bolsa was done they called and told me that it would take a few hundred bucks to square up the bill because they lapped the barrel.

I told them to keep it.

And now I just buy makers tubes and run my own.
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You buy a beretta product knowing the customer service is dogshit. I have spoken to the heads of their marketing about this and they just shrug their shoulders. Its a real shame becuase they own some of the finest firearm and ammo brands in the world. A long rich history that is tattered by ass support.

SAKO is discontinuing the S20. You are probably up shits creek unless you modify it yourself. Best bet is to sell it off and buy something else.

Just another in the long line of Tikka/Sako failures, guns designed by people who don't actually shoot, but usually very well built otherwise.

Their entire C suite needs to be fired to change the culture. Until that happens, nothing will change.
You buy a beretta product knowing the customer service is dogshit. I have spoken to the heads of their marketing about this and they just shrug their shoulders. Its a real shame becuase they own some of the finest firearm and ammo brands in the world. A long rich history that is tattered by ass support.

SAKO is discontinuing the S20. You are probably up shits creek unless you modify it yourself. Best bet is to sell it off and buy something else.

Just another in the long line of Tikka/Sako failures, guns designed by people who don't actually shoot, but usually very well built otherwise.

Their entire C suite needs to be fired to change the culture. Until that happens, nothing will change.
And yet, when someone posts the "what bolt action to buy", motherfuckers line up to tell them to buy a Tikka because they are the bestest factory bolt action ever made.
If you want the whole experience, you can buy a Tikka bolt action and an HK semi auto.
And yet, when someone posts the "what bolt action to buy", motherfuckers line up to tell them to buy a Tikka because they are the bestest factory bolt action ever made.
If you want the whole experience, you can buy a Tikka bolt action and an HK semi auto.
Alot of people parrot shit they hear or old obsolete information.

Tikka makes a great action. It doesn't need much, and the aftermarket and secondary support for them is very high. You dont NEED beretta for anything tikka. Sako on the other hand, you are kinda stuck with what comes from the factory. There is just not the penetration in the US market and the aftermarket/guys tinkering with them.

With that being said, Unless you are trying to do something like an ultralight Short mag in a medium action, Tikka is rarely the best option for a semi custom or custom gun. For an off the shelf hunting rifle, they are EXCELLENT, and IMO the best option out there. Once you start putting on aftermarket barrels, $300 triggers, $1500 chassis then the cost savings of the action starts to get lost and you are stuck with a NON-prefit capable action (despite what many people think).
You buy a beretta product knowing the customer service is dogshit. I have spoken to the heads of their marketing about this and they just shrug their shoulders. Its a real shame becuase they own some of the finest firearm and ammo brands in the world. A long rich history that is tattered by ass support.

SAKO is discontinuing the S20. You are probably up shits creek unless you modify it yourself. Best bet is to sell it off and buy something else.

Just another in the long line of Tikka/Sako failures, guns designed by people who don't actually shoot, but usually very well built otherwise.

Their entire C suite needs to be fired to change the culture. Until that happens, nothing will change.
Your last statement concerning the C suite is the key. Great customer service starts at the top through a commitment from the CEO on down. Without that…..well, you get a company like Beretta. Obviously, their BOD doesn’t give a damn either.
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You buy a beretta product knowing the customer service is dogshit. I have spoken to the heads of their marketing about this and they just shrug their shoulders. Its a real shame becuase they own some of the finest firearm and ammo brands in the world. A long rich history that is tattered by ass support.

SAKO is discontinuing the S20. You are probably up shits creek unless you modify it yourself. Best bet is to sell it off and buy something else.

Just another in the long line of Tikka/Sako failures, guns designed by people who don't actually shoot, but usually very well built otherwise.

Their entire C suite needs to be fired to change the culture. Until that happens, nothing will change.
Sad but true, it seems like while most of the time you get a really good Beretta supported product, if you get a bad one, you might as well just dump it or get it fixed elsewhere. Sig is basically the same way with their MCX rifles, 4 MOA standard that they test at 25yds and extrapolate. If you get one that shoots great, but if you get one that shoots like shit, you are basically screwed or you spend another $800 to play Sig's barrel lottery.

Wouldn't surprise me if the s20 is discontinued, it's not really competitive in any of the rifle competitions here in the states since it's not a 20lb 6mm, and it's too heavy to be competitive in the hunting market. It's the epitome of a crossover product that doesn't do either well. Esp. since Sako won't import the 2 stage triggers or heavy barrel versions. The stock feels so cheap it's sad, though I hear the new versions are a bit better. It's not a bad action and after some troubleshooting of my own I was able to fix the accuracy issues after Beretta couldn't. You know they are not selling well when Euro and others have had them at 35% off for over a year and still can't move them. Cabelas appears to have dropped the sako line completely.
Sad but true, it seems like while most of the time you get a really good Beretta supported product, if you get a bad one, you might as well just dump it or get it fixed elsewhere. Sig is basically the same way with their MCX rifles, 4 MOA standard that they test at 25yds and extrapolate. If you get one that shoots great, but if you get one that shoots like shit, you are basically screwed or you spend another $800 to play Sig's barrel lottery.

Wouldn't surprise me if the s20 is discontinued, it's not really competitive in any of the rifle competitions here in the states since it's not a 20lb 6mm, and it's too heavy to be competitive in the hunting market. It's the epitome of a crossover product that doesn't do either well. Esp. since Sako won't import the 2 stage triggers or heavy barrel versions. The stock feels so cheap it's sad, though I hear the new versions are a bit better. It's not a bad action and after some troubleshooting of my own I was able to fix the accuracy issues after Beretta couldn't. You know they are not selling well when Euro and others have had them at 35% off for over a year and still can't move them. Cabelas appears to have dropped the sako line completely.
If I were you, for giggles I’d write a physical letter to your state’s Attorney General about the mag issue. Be polite, explain the facts, include photos and correspondence.

Perhaps innocently inquire if this might be a class action? (don’t demand)

Then, to the legal departments of Beretta NA and Beretta world HQ, send a physical cover letter explaining what you’re doing and attach a copy of your AG letter. Heck, maybe even send one to the CEO.

At the bottom of each letter, put a “cc” followed by whom else you sent these letters to.

If you don’t know know how to format a business letter, look it up. It’s easy. The whole “cc” email convention came from physical letter formal denotation.

If you have your own personal letterhead or if you run your own biz with its own letterhead, all the better.

Do NOT use letterhead of the place of your employment or similar. Don’t try to appear more important than you are…the AG will bin your letter. Just look polished.

I would be very surprised if shit didn’t start moving in the right direction pretty quickly. I got a new $12k BMW engine that way.
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