Moron army sgt. goes to Russia without permission to visit girlfriend gets 4 years in Russian prison

Looked and couldn't find retard emoji
Just use this as it's universal for your needs.
He got what he deserved.
I hope he serves all 4 years.
And that his wife divorces his stupid ass and takes or sells everything he has before he gets out.
If he comes home it should be to nothing.
He probably would have been fine if he didn't get into a domestic violence situation with the woman and like piss her off and make off with her cash.

Unlike the USA, lots of other countries don't like foreigners coming in and doing crimes or making disturbances.

Also I mean it should be considered we are kind of in the middle of an undeclared small war with Russia etc.
I'm not sure how we'd treat a visiting Russian soldier in the same situation, but I'm guessing not any better.
I've meet several russian strippers right her in the good ol US. Some one already spent the money and did all the work why go there to fuck them.
