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Reactions: Cody S
Be careful, if you post about annealing you will draw out every wild AMP annealing predator and they will assault everyone else in the thread with how they are dumb and nothing with fire will do anything to brass. Several self proclaimed mettalurgy/engineering/brass expert PHD's will also come out, it will fill your inbox with notifications and you will wonder the entire time "does annealing do anything to the brass or is it just a rabbit hole for men to argue about?" It will delight the senses. Personally I anneal with a blowtorch because that little burn ring looks cool and its fun to touch hot metal and tell my wife I burned myself so she will kiss my boo-boo.
Be careful, if you post about annealing you will draw out every wild AMP annealing predator and they will assault everyone else in the thread with how they are dumb and nothing with fire will do anything to brass. Several self proclaimed mettalurgy/engineering/brass expert PHD's will also come out, it will fill your inbox with notifications and you will wonder the entire time "does annealing do anything to the brass or is it just a rabbit hole for men to argue about?" It will delight the senses. Personally I anneal with a blowtorch because that little burn ring looks cool and its fun to touch hot metal and tell my wife I burned myself so she will kiss my boo-boo.
lol 😂 ok buddy
Annealing makes no sense outside of someone going through 2-4 barrels per year. Here’s 7x fired lapua brass. 300 win mag w/ 1400 rounds down. any notion that this will improve accuracy is misguided and unsupported.

That fad dropped. It doesn’t work.
The fad dropped, that is true but "it doesn’t work" that is not true.
It works fine if you use the correct process. Most of the information posted on time and temperature
for salt bath annealing was incorrect. Plus make a mistake and severe burns is your reward.

Induction annealing is king.
The fad dropped, that is true but "it doesn’t work" that is not true.
It works fine if you use the correct process. Most of the information posted on time and temperature
for salt bath annealing was incorrect. Plus make a mistake and severe burns is your reward.

Induction annealing is king.
It doesn’t flash anneal, annealing in seconds, like folks wanted to claim it would. The salt simply does not get hot enough to keep the heat isolated near the neck/shoulder without the rest of the case pulling the heat away like a heatsink with bottle necked cases. Annealing in the single digit seconds happens. Annealing in seconds happens with the brass it self is a little north of 900F, which is where brass also gets a dim glow. The whole brass anneals at 750 F is only right if you’re talking about it annealing in minutes. 😅
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Seems to keep case necks from splitting and seems to help minimize swaging when using cast bullets... even flamey cave man style but ymmv of course.

Anecdotal case: have a bunch of pull down 50 cal range brass, lc stamp. It used to split necks on first or second firing out of an ar50 that did not split the good brass I have. Load was mild with h50bmg and incendiary for dusting rocks etc. Flame annealed (or perhaps more accurately normalized) the cases and no more splits. Probably have 8 firings on that brass now.

Have had similar experience with .243 as well with a bunch of old winchester brass. 303 British brass seems to like it as well once in a while.

Depending on your goals flame annealing could be worth a shot. I'm not sure it will put misses into the 10 or x for you or get that sweet sd reading, but I say give the annealeez a try.

If in doubt, i'm sure you've bought dumber and less fun things lol.
Be careful, if you post about annealing you will draw out every wild AMP annealing predator and they will assault everyone else in the thread with how they are dumb and nothing with fire will do anything to brass. Several self proclaimed mettalurgy/engineering/brass expert PHD's will also come out, it will fill your inbox with notifications and you will wonder the entire time "does annealing do anything to the brass or is it just a rabbit hole for men to argue about?" It will delight the senses. Personally I anneal with a blowtorch because that little burn ring looks cool and its fun to touch hot metal and tell my wife I burned myself so she will kiss my boo-boo.

Truer words have never been spoken.
  • Haha
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