? On superlative gasblocks

If there is, it has to tiny and probably unnoticeable. I don’t notice more recoil in restrictive vs bleed off for the same ejection pattern. But yeah, if you’re comparing the knife’s edge of cycling reliability versus wide ass open no restriction, you should be able to feel that.
If there is, it has to tiny and probably unnoticeable. I don’t notice more recoil in restrictive vs bleed off for the same ejection pattern. But yeah, if you’re comparing the knife’s edge of cycling reliability versus wide ass open no restriction, you should be able to feel that.
Will the amount of bleed off change the ejection pattern then, im guessing?
Will the amount of bleed off change the ejection pattern then, im guessing?
For sure. That’s the point of it. You adjust it to the point where you’re getting that 3:00 ejection. And if you change to a low mass carrier, you can readjust. Same for different buffer weights and/or springs—readjust again. It’s all a system that has to work together not really independently.

Enjoy the trip down the rabbit hole.
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Put one on my SFAR and I’m confused with the restrictive mode vs bleed off.

In bleed off mode, since the gas hole is wide open, is there more/harsher recoil than when in restrictive ?
Whether your leak that gas out in bleed off mode or you restrict the amount of gas from reaching the BCG the effect is the same up to a certain point. If your gas port diameter is vastly oversized, the bleed off mode can't leak enough gas to prevent excess gas from reaching the BCG. If you find yourself in that scenario, you're better of preventing excess gas from even reaching the gas tube let alone BCG by utilizing the restrictive mode.
My experience is that the SA in "bleed-off" doesn't work well with severely over gassed conditions. I've had to use "restrictive" in those situations. "Bleed-off" does work well with moderately over gassed builds. I don't have a SFAR, but my understanding is that the gas ports are huge, which lends itself to being severely over gassed.