Stop demanding Biden drop out!


MSgt USAF ret.
Full Member
Apr 8, 2011
Pacific Northwest
WTF is wrong with Republicans and the right in general. Has their been any other event in the fucking history of the human race where the opponent was so obviously over matched as this election? Fuck NO!!!! And the mystery is why exactly is the fucktard right in this country demanding we remove the weak, idiot candidate and put someone in his place who can handily beat our candidate. WTF!

Getting rid of Biden insures the fraud will happen just like 2020, they can claim the new criminal set their base on fire and got out the vote. Sure "their base" includes millions of dead people some as old as 170 years at this point. It includes tens of millions of illegal immigrants, convicted felons and ghost people who live on empty lots and in grocery stores or abandoned buildings and it will be out of fucking control this time.

STFU already. To me this proves assholes at Fox and elsewhere in the halls of the fucktard right and RNC have not got a damned clue how to win a race.

Every swinging dick who wants a free country needs to shut the fuck up, start posting about how Biden's debate performance left you energized and how you look forward to him winning in November. Stop being a Romney already.
The Deep state runs the nation on behalf of the Globalists. Even with Biden as the candidate, he will win going away. 81 million votes in 2020 will turn into 90 million in 2024. The die is cast and fraud will install whoever the globalists want. The only exception that I could see is if the powers that be are ok with Trump being back in office for 4 years to take the blame the death of the economy. Then reinstall a globalist candidate in 2028.
I agree with @lonegunman762x51 but I fear the demons are a little too smart to not see that happening and will do what they can to ensure a win.

Again, they will not remove him with the 25th because that leaves Harris in charge and she could not win the nomination in her own state. She is just not popular enough, whether she is competent (she is not) for the job or not.

Don't get me wrong, I would love to see the arrogance of the demons be their own undoing and Trump wins by a bigger margin third time in a row than Reagan ever did.

But I fear they will have a surprise switch-up at their demon primaries. Since it is a war of principalities and perception, Newsom would be a contender and Trump could only beat him on fiscal policies, which is Newsom's kryptonite.
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No why do we have to keep lying about this, Biden being elevated to the presidency is questionable to begin with, he has behaved like a senile dementia e elderly person since day one in the White House, and it has only gotten worse.

If there is any integrity in our government, honest sincere people holding office now is not the time to be playing politics. If Biden remains it only signals how much incompetence and corruption exists within both the Democrat and Republican leadership.
It'll be more difficult to pull off, and obvious to the world, if the steal is again allowed to happen for Biden now that it's so obvious he's mentally incompetent.

If they replace him, it would be easier to convince people the younger more attractive candidate, beat Trump legitimately.

This is an undeniable fact.
The proverbial ham sandwich could garner more (real) votes than this demented fool(and is likely smarter). The last thing conservatives should want is to see him replaced. Let him continue to mumble and stumble through event after event. If he wasn't such a crooked, lying son of a bitch, I'd almost feel sorry for him.
Anyone with three active brain cells could see that he was being dosed while in the primary and the 2020 campaign. So, yeah, is KJP going to accuse CNN (CIA News Networ) of a "cheap fake video"?
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WTF is wrong with Republicans and the right in general. Has their been any other event in the fucking history of the human race where the opponent was so obviously over matched as this election? Fuck NO!!!! And the mystery is why exactly is the fucktard right in this country demanding we remove the weak, idiot candidate and put someone in his place who can handily beat our candidate. WTF!

Getting rid of Biden insures the fraud will happen just like 2020, they can claim the new criminal set their base on fire and got out the vote. Sure "their base" includes millions of dead people some as old as 170 years at this point. It includes tens of millions of illegal immigrants, convicted felons and ghost people who live on empty lots and in grocery stores or abandoned buildings and it will be out of fucking control this time.

STFU already. To me this proves assholes at Fox and elsewhere in the halls of the fucktard right and RNC have not got a damned clue how to win a race.

Every swinging dick who wants a free country needs to shut the fuck up, start posting about how Biden's debate performance left you energized and how you look forward to him winning in November. Stop being a Romney already.

Take your little feel good victories while you can.
We are not up against idiots, we are up against folks that control the course of nations.
The election doesn't matter nearly as much as folks think.

Trump will probably win the election, just like the last one. (Assuming he isn't removed some other way)
Xiden or whatever stooge they put in his place will be frauded into victory.
The rug will be pulled out from under the country and the economy and all will come crashing down in preparation for the new order.
Or they let Trump keep the win, still do the above step and use it to blame everything on evil conservatives.

Personally I'd rather have Big Mike at the helm when it all goes down.
As a specific FU to all the "empowered women" and the "we hate whitey" crowd.
Setting aside his horrible past, including his presidency up to right now, Biden's performance at the debate was an embarrassment for the US in front of the entire world. Recovering from this will take more time than just putting up a serious candidate against Trump. We need to get out of Ukraine and Israel (if it makes a difference, I am pro-Israel), stop breaking treaties and promises to other countries (especially Russia), engage China diplomatically and economically, work with the BRICs, develop our own energy and manufacturing independence through an industrial policy, and throw a huge number of politicians and corporate leaders in prison. Vote harder.
The foolaid must be tasting pretty good for the Liberals that want him to stay.
We are fucked either way, it would just look more legit if a more popular commie would be put in place of Pedo Joe when they steal it a second time.😡
WTF is wrong with Republicans and the right in general. Has their been any other event in the fucking history of the human race where the opponent was so obviously over matched as this election? Fuck NO!!!! And the mystery is why exactly is the fucktard right in this country demanding we remove the weak, idiot candidate and put someone in his place who can handily beat our candidate. WTF!

Getting rid of Biden insures the fraud will happen just like 2020, they can claim the new criminal set their base on fire and got out the vote. Sure "their base" includes millions of dead people some as old as 170 years at this point. It includes tens of millions of illegal immigrants, convicted felons and ghost people who live on empty lots and in grocery stores or abandoned buildings and it will be out of fucking control this time.

STFU already. To me this proves assholes at Fox and elsewhere in the halls of the fucktard right and RNC have not got a damned clue how to win a race.

Every swinging dick who wants a free country needs to shut the fuck up, start posting about how Biden's debate performance left you energized and how you look forward to him winning in November. Stop being a Romney already.
Biden’s going to win anyway. He will get 100 million votes this time!
About now it's just all about voting for the party.

How many democrats are actually going to vote for Trump no matter how bad their canidate is?
They will just about all simply go vote D

For that matter, the Republicans can have as rotten a pick as they want and most on the right side will feel they have zero choice but to go vote R as the lesser of 2 evils.

I'd suggest there really isn't many "undecided" folks at all.

We will soon become like Europe where it's pretty much all about the party you vote for and the party decides the boss.
WTF is wrong with Republicans and the right in general. Has their been any other event in the fucking history of the human race where the opponent was so obviously over matched as this election? Fuck NO!!!! And the mystery is why exactly is the fucktard right in this country demanding we remove the weak, idiot candidate and put someone in his place who can handily beat our candidate. WTF!

Getting rid of Biden insures the fraud will happen just like 2020, they can claim the new criminal set their base on fire and got out the vote. Sure "their base" includes millions of dead people some as old as 170 years at this point. It includes tens of millions of illegal immigrants, convicted felons and ghost people who live on empty lots and in grocery stores or abandoned buildings and it will be out of fucking control this time.

STFU already. To me this proves assholes at Fox and elsewhere in the halls of the fucktard right and RNC have not got a damned clue how to win a race.

Every swinging dick who wants a free country needs to shut the fuck up, start posting about how Biden's debate performance left you energized and how you look forward to him winning in November. Stop being a Romney already.

Got a secret.....
You might not know this....
Its all.....

200w (8).gif
Its just occurred to me......
Some of yall honestly b think Trump can win.
News flash.
He won in 2016 because they thought they had enough votes. They thought they had enough votes cause they knew how many they were gonna carefully add to Killery's totals.
It got away from them, because they were cocky.
In 2020 they simply weren't going to let THAT SHIT happen again. Despite the groundswell of support for the incumbent DJT, and the highest number of votes ever by any candidate(INCLUDING OBAMA!). After they counted votes for a fucking week after the polls closed, despite Biden winning the fewest counties ever by any candidate, he beat out DJT. sad. Better luck next time.

Some of yall aren't paying attention.
The only reason your representative is endorsing Trump, is because they want to stay in office. There might be 40 good men and women in Congress that have your back, maybe. The rest are in the club. And they are representing their own interests.

This ^^^^. There will be no sweeter victory than beating Biden a second time, and it'll essentially prove to many disbelievers that the 2020 election was indeed stolen.
I don't want Biden to step down, for all the reasons I previously stated on another thread, but also to avenge the loss to a scumbag that bragged how he was going to steal the election in 2020 and openly did steal it.

I don't want Biden to get away.

With the polls 73/28 in favor of Trump, if Biden "wins" with another record setting 110M last minute votes, it'll further prove the election was stolen in 2020. It will also prove that America is under attack from within, and I don't think people will go down peacefully.
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Xiden won't step down. Look at Fienstein and Guinsburg .Dems were wheeling their dead bodies in for critical votes when they were needed. This is how dems are. They are power hungry and will do anything to keep it. biden won't quit.

The entire world saw how bad bidens dementia really is during the debate. Biden was juiced up on amphetamines and could barely function. Everybody know knows biden is terribly ill and getting worse by the day.

Here is the problem the dems have. The dems have enough fake ballots printed already for an easy win for biden. During a normal election with normal candidates the political parties have a pretty good idea how many votes they need to win. However since bidens health problems are so severe ,and the world know knows , its impossible to know many voted biden lost thursday night. Dems are freaking out because they don't know how to rig this election.
There remains the possibility that July11 ends with trump being sentenced to jail. Then the RNC has a decision to make. Over/under odds on this? I have no idea but it isn’t a zero probability.
He pretty much has to stay. It's past time for Nevada and Wisconsin I believe and GA is coming up on that threshold in a few weeks as well. They are stuck with him. We just all need to vote and make sure ALL of our friends and family votes and we will at least have a few more years to secure scotus further and make some money to prepare for 2030 when the shit will sure enough hit the fan
There remains the possibility that July11 ends with trump being sentenced to jail. Then the RNC has a decision to make. Over/under odds on this? I have no idea but it isn’t a zero probability.
I’m leaning more toward home confinement. It would hamstring him from campaigning, but wouldn’t have the same sound as putting him in prison.
There remains the possibility that July11 ends with trump being sentenced to jail. Then the RNC has a decision to make. Over/under odds on this? I have no idea but it isn’t a zero probability.
Simple solution. Introduce the judge to the Clintons.
There remains the possibility that July11 ends with trump being sentenced to jail. Then the RNC has a decision to make. Over/under odds on this? I have no idea but it isn’t a zero probability.
Pretty certain they will put him in a cell at least for a few days or weeks for the optics. Then after the SS springs him they can see whole two tiers of justice against him.
Either way, this is all for show. The powers that be may want pdjt at the helm for the coming meltdown where’s ww3, riots, economic collapse, whatever they’re planning. Gov gruesome will be the savior who fixes everything in 28.
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In addition, the logistics of removing Biden is going to further expose the fuckery the Demoncrats are willing and able to do to get their way. It is not going to be easy to remove and replace Biden. I work in election administration, there are rules and laws you know. Some states even follow them.

What this also does is open the floor to debate on the other hoaxes. If they would lie to you about the mental condition of the President, they would lie to you about 2020, J6, Biden taking bribes, etc etc.
In addition, the logistics of removing Biden is going to further expose the fuckery the Demoncrats are willing and able to do to get their way. It is not going to be easy to remove and replace Biden. I work in election administration, there are rules and laws you know. Some states even follow them.

What this also does is open the floor to debate on the other hoaxes. If they would lie to you about the mental condition of the President, they would lie to you about 2020, J6, Biden taking bribes, etc etc.
To say Biden doesn't call the shots or run the country is pretty much common knowledge. He never did. This is some loser that barely avoided flunking out of college in the best years of his life. He's nothing but a low grade criminal that idolized Whitey Bulger and was slimy enough to get into politics.

His only purpose was to read Obama's messages off a teleprompter and take the blame and blowback from the public. And now that he cant even do that, he will step down, one way or the other.
Even if Trump gets elected. Then what? Do you really believe that the republicants party is going to rally behind him and build the wall this time? Deport 20 million illegals? Stop spending like a 12 year old with a credit card? Stop laundering money through Ukraine? Purge the doj, IRS, FBI, CIA and the rest of the alphabet? Put an end to the climate change hoax? End welfare? Food stamps? The disability scam? The FED reserve?
IF he gets elected we'll have a crash unlike any before. '08 and '29 combined with the new pandemic.
They ain't waiting for 2030.
I don't want Biden to step down, for all the reasons I previously stated on another thread, but also to avenge the loss to a scumbag that bragged how he was going to steal the election in 2020 and openly did steal it.

I don't want Biden to get away.

With the polls 73/28 in favor of Trump, if Biden "wins" with another record setting 110M last minute votes, it'll further prove the election was stolen in 2020. It will also prove that America is under attack from within, and I don't think people will go down peacefully.
And I keep asking: What will they do? What will YOU do if they steal another one?
And I keep asking: What will they do? What will YOU do if they steal another one?
Everyone will have to take that up with their state reps glowie. If I were a state rep in charge of allowing such (almost certainly a judge) I'd be very concerned about allowing another steal and the ramifications to me personally of such. At the same time, PAY ATTENTION TO WHO YOU VOTE FOR IN YOUR STATE. THATS WHO DECIDES THESE THINGS.
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The Deep state runs the nation on behalf of the Globalists. Even with Biden as the candidate, he will win going away. 81 million votes in 2020 will turn into 90 million in 2024. The die is cast and fraud will install whoever the globalists want. The only exception that I could see is if the powers that be are ok with Trump being back in office for 4 years to take the blame the death of the economy. Then reinstall a globalist candidate in 2028.
I don’t think the globalists are playing that much of a long game. The leaders are too old and frail. Also, the western population will go all French Revolution before 2029.

I get the election-year tactics of basically forcing the Dems to stick with Joe, but listen - if one really believes that Biden is incompetent, then indeed there is a moral imperative to remove him from office ASAP.

My main concern with Roy's proposal is that it took the debate failure for him to put forth this bill, when anyone could see that Biden's been incompetent for at least the past couple of years.
I get the election-year tactics of basically forcing the Dems to stick with Joe, but listen - if one really believes that Biden is incompetent, then indeed there is a moral imperative to remove him from office ASAP.

My main concern with Roy's proposal is that it took the debate failure for him to put forth this bill, when anyone could see that Biden's been incompetent for at least the past couple of years.
If you heard Tucker Carlson’s latest podcast it would seem that at least the senate knew he was incompetent & incapable for several years.