Guess this famous person


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Mar 13, 2012
SLC, Utah
He was a hard right Republican Congressman from Florida many years ago.

He drafted, co-sponsored, and championed legislation in the House to get the US out of the UN, shut down the Dept of Education/Commerce/Housing & Urban Development, signed Newt Gingrich’s Contract with America, and pushed for bans on abortion and transporting minors to get abortions.

He was easily elected and reelected 4 times in the House, but then.......something happened.

One of his interns was found dead in his office and they refused to release the autopsy report until pressure built.

Any guesses who he is? It’s going to blow you away when you see it if you don’t already know.
He's also an anti-Trumper and has taken a far left turn. His wife is a Bush?
Definitely an anti-Trumper but his 3rd wife is not a Bush. His 2nd wife was a secretary for Jeb Bush though, which is also crazy.

He hosts a very popular TV show.

His current wife is the daughter of one of the most famous US foreign policy figures in history.
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He married Susan Waren after that, Governor Jeb Bush’s aide, then they were divorced in Jan 2013.

He married Zbigniew Brzenzinski’s daughter, Mika, in Nov 2018. Brzenzinski was Carter’s NSC advisor and also worked for LBJ.


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Weird how Joe Scarborough did a 180 after they found his intern dead in the office, don’t ya say?

He had just won reelection unopposed, then said he needed to resign so he could spend more time with his kids.

Once the Lori Klausutis' body was found, they had Joe by the short and curlies.
Don’t forget membership in CFR and Bilderberg (Zbigniew)
Zbigniew and David Rockefeller founded the Trilateral Commission.

Mika’s brothers are big in international politics as well.

Mark Brzezinski is currently the US Ambassador to Poland under the Biden WH, and was Obama’s Ambassador to Sweden from 2011-2015.

Big-time DNC donors. The incestuous relationships like this abound in DC and the Corporate Media. I just thought Joe Scarborough being what Dems would call an extreme right-wing Republican is funny because almost none of them are aware of this.
I remember when Joe was a conservative. He could have easily been president had he continued on his co servative path. He was pretty much on point on every position out there, then it all went south. Now he's got the freaking mental disease
The only thing he ever was is an empty suit only interested in his own advancement. Whatever ideology gets him what he wants is what he spews. Fuck him and the horse…etc.
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The only thing he ever was is an empty suit only interested in his own advancement. Whatever ideology gets him what he wants is what he spews. Fuck him and the horse…etc.
This is true, my dad was involved in FL in those days and heard it with his own ears. Basically he said "it's an act, I'm an actor"
I was living in his district when he ran. There was a lady running against him that I preferred over him. He had been a democrat until shortly before running.

I get a call from a pollster. One of the questions was, Would you still vote for (the lady) if you knew she had an abortion?” I asked did she have an abortion? Shocker, but the pollster refused to answer and hung up after a short argument ending with me calling her a duplicitous bitch.
I remember when Joe was a conservative. He could have easily been president had he continued on his co servative path. He was pretty much on point on every position out there, then it all went south. Now he's got the freaking mental disease
What if he’s just playing a role that has been handed to him after being compromised with the affair and death of Lori Klausitis?

“You want to be indicted for murder.....or you can go into securities litigation and continue to make a nice life for yourself?"

He was making bank in Congress like the rest of them, but made even more in the law firm after the murde-sorry accidental death, doing SEC cases. He would appear as a regular legal analyst on the corporate media circuit, before they offered him his own show, where he clears a nice $8 million annually.

No reason to run for President if you have that kind of cash-flow just to read a script and pretend it’s your own thoughts.

I’m pretty sure he would run circles around most of us on matters of the law, politics, finance, and how things actually work. He plays a dummy on TV to appeal to aging Democrats, Independents, and RINOs to placate them with the corporate narrative.

He was likely a threat to the political class who had already stacked their sons for the WH down the road, and could have been an interesting candidate in 2000, for example. Symmetrical facial features that women love, smooth talker, reasonable-sounding, articulate, very conservative, like a JFK Jr. Republican basically. Was he a threat that needed to be knocked out, or just an unlucky Congressman who punched his intern and smashed her head in during a fit of rage?

Seems like his luck only leveled-up after her death.
Listening to morning Joe go on about pedo Joe in the positive is sickening. Morning Joe sold his soul when he got to Washington and got corrupted like all the others. He's a total pos now.
I think he was given an ultimatum based on what I’m seeing of the murder/accidental death case with his intern. The way they sat on the autopsy report until they could conceive some BS story for smooth-brains about an undiagnosed heart condition.

They literally said that she was in the office standing, then had heart flutters (probably), fell and hit her head on a table and died. Nothing to see folks, move along.
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What if he’s just playing a role that has been handed to him after being compromised with the affair and death of Lori Klausitis?

“You want to be indicted for murder.....or you can go into securities litigation and continue to make a nice life for yourself?"

He was making bank in Congress like the rest of them, but made even more in the law firm after the murde-sorry accidental death, doing SEC cases. He would appear as a regular legal analyst on the corporate media circuit, before they offered him his own show, where he clears a nice $8 million annually.

No reason to run for President if you have that kind of cash-flow just to read a script and pretend it’s your own thoughts.

I’m pretty sure he would run circles around most of us on matters of the law, politics, finance, and how things actually work. He plays a dummy on TV to appeal to aging Democrats, Independents, and RINOs to placate them with the corporate narrative.

He was likely a threat to the political class who had already stacked their sons for the WH down the road, and could have been an interesting candidate in 2000, for example. Symmetrical facial features that women love, smooth talker, reasonable-sounding, articulate, very conservative, like a JFK Jr. Republican basically. Was he a threat that needed to be knocked out, or just an unlucky Congressman who punched his intern and smashed her head in during a fit of rage?

Seems like his luck only leveled-up after her death.
That could be, and there's definitely some cloak and dagger stuff that goes on but I think it's more like good Ole fashion greed and opportunities but either way, he's a pos. How anyone can go from newt Gingrich acolyte to Minka's bitch I don't know but he very clearly was never principled in any way.
I think he was given an ultimatum based on what I’m seeing of the murder/accidental death case with his intern. The way they sat on the autopsy report until they could concept some BS story about an undiagnosed heart condition.

They literally said that she was in the office standing, then had heart flutters (probably), fell and hit her head on a table and died. Nothing to see folks, move along.
More like she was fleeing from his unwanted advances and tripped and fell and hit her head.
What if he’s just playing a role that has been handed to him after being compromised with the affair and death of Lori Klausitis?

A friend was a detective with the local PD when this went down. He said it was very suspicious, but they could not find evidence tying anyone to the death. He did say he thought she might have survived if the security guard did his job that night.
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Mika and Joe were friends with Trump and when he announced he was running he would call into the morning Joe show. She would gush over Trump calling in. It was almost sickening, the oooh's and aaaah's were like a child watching fireworks. They did a 180 after the inauguration and went on the attack. Then Trump told them to fuck off when they wanted to go to his party after defeating Hilda. They went full bore attack after that. They went all in on the Russia collusion hoax and the Gen Flynn hoax.
Just a few weeks ago Joe was all in on the Joe potato is the "sharpest he's ever been" bullshit.

Sell your soul to the devil
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Mika and Joe were friends with Trump and when he announced he was running he would call into the morning Joe show. She would gush over Trump calling in. It was almost sickening, the oooh's and aaaah's were like a child watching fireworks. They did a 180 after the inauguration and went on the attack. Then Trump told them to fuck off when they wanted to go to his party after defeating Hilda. They went full bore attack after that. They went all in on the Russia collusion hoax and the Gen Flynn hoax.
Just a few weeks ago Joe was all in on the Joe potato is the "sharpest he's ever been" bullshit.

Sell your soul to the devil

Sure as fk did. 2 horrible people, neither have ever done anything , being a tv commentator doesn't count/amount to crap.
Heck I didn't even know Mika was Zbigniew's daughter.
Of course I only know her name from hearing it, I couldn't pick her our of a line up.
There are so many instances like this with the media and DC.

Tucker Carlson’s dad’s story is absolutely bonkers insane, should be a full-feature movie or series. The jobs he’s had over his life read like some kind of far-fetched novel or con artist, yet he genuinely did all of those jobs and was dedicated to his work. Outed 2 trannies in the 1970s while he was at it that were both perpetrating a fraud in more ways than one. Was a banker, a crime story writer, Hollywood celebrity beat follower, exposed the mayor of San Francisco as Mafia, worked for the US Agency for International Development as a cover for status, ran Radio-free Cuba and Voice of America (VOA), Ambassador to Seychilles, was the CEO of the US Corporation for Public Broadcasting, completely unbelievable what he’s done in a single lifetime.

Anderson’ Cooper’s story is also unbelievable, doesn’t make a lick of sense. Dude is a Vanderbilt, graduates from Yale with a degree in PoliSci, interred with the CIA for 2 years while at Yale......can’t get hired out of an Ivy League university even answering phones at ABC. I’m sorry, I don’t believe that story. As a Vanderbilt and Manuscript Society alumni from Yale, he could have had been a total slouch and been given whatever job he wanted, and he was more than capable to go into journalism. It’s pretty obvious he was acting under cover for status/action as he traveled the world after being "turned down by ABC”, to do "freelance journalism".
Sure as fk did. 2 horrible people, neither have ever done anything , being a tv commentator doesn't count/amount to crap.
I’m starting to think there’s no way Mika is a dummy after growing up like she did with Zbigniew as her father, surrounded by DC high-ballers and being hyper-aware of geopolitics from her Polish/Swiss/Czech heritage. She went to Madeira elite all-girls college prep school in McClean Virginia, then Georgetown and Williams Colleges. Her bothers are political operatives/ambassadors and her mom was born in Switzerland from nobility in Czechoslovakia.

She just plays a role on TV and makes bank doing it. Whatever the network tells her to say on the script is what she does. She’s way over-qualified for the job. She was very critical of the Clinton campaign and how they screwed Bernie Sanders out of the nomination with their dirty tactics, and seems to have either done some on-air stunts or legitimate departures from the script, which drew more views and fan letters.

She’s a media political operative who gets paid to maintain the status quo of corporate media in my estimation.
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