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Just gonna leave this nugget here..

Biden's been a racist his entire political career. He's been a modern day Jim Crow.

His policies have been nothing but disastrous for minorities. He's locked away more African-Americans than other politician with his policies - for doing the exact thing his son Hunter does.

Yet left media treats him as if he's some sort of a principled man. He's not.
Biden's been a racist his entire political career. He's been a modern day Jim Crow.

His policies have been nothing but disastrous for minorities. He's locked away more African-Americans than other politician with his policies - for doing the exact thing his son Hunter does.

Yet left media treats him as if he's some sort of a principled man. He's not.
Try telling the minorities that!
Biden's been a racist his entire political career. He's been a modern day Jim Crow.

His policies have been nothing but disastrous for minorities. He's locked away more African-Americans than other politician with his policies - for doing the exact thing his son Hunter does.

Yet left media treats him as if he's some sort of a principled man. He's not.

Previously posted:
Then we had Mr. Joseph R. Biden in 1977 strongly advocate against busing as I recall because he didn't want his grandparents or kids affected by "the jungle" inhibitants (washed from Youtube of course):
"Old comments from 1977 resurfaced, quoting Biden as saying that non-"orderly" racial integration policies would cause his children to "grow up in a racial jungle." He then said: "Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point.""

And then there are the comments from his 1994 crime bill: "Malefactors of society" and "Lock the SOBs up" videos also purged from easy access unless surrounding by leftist rhetoric/apologists.

Biden's speech in Congress on the 1994 Crime Bill starts @ 0:30: "It doesn't matter whether or not they are victims of society...they are about to knock my mother on the head with a lead pipe, shoot my sister, beat up my wife, take on my sons...I don't need to ask what made them do this. They must be taken off the streets - there is a consensus on that!!.. We must do something about that cadre of young people, tens of thousands of them born out of wedlock, without parents, without supervision, without any structure, without any conscience developing because they literally, they literally have not been socialized...Madam President we have predators on our streets, that society has in fact in part because of its neglect created. Again, it does not mean because we created them that we somehow forgive them or do not taken them out of society to protect my family and yours from them. They are beyond the pale many of "those" people, beyond the pale, many of those people, and that is a sad commentary on society! We have no choice but to take them out of society...And the choice is we don't know how to rehabilitate them at that point...There is a consensus: A. We must make the streets safer. I don't care why someone is a malefactor in society! I don't care why someone is antisocial! I don't care why they become a sociopathic! We have an responsibility to cordon that off from the rest of society...(we can offer treatment) but they are in jail, away from my mother, your husband, our families. We would be absolutely stupid as a society if we don't recognize the condition that nurtured "those folks" and we must deal with that.

I guess now that Joe has Secret Service to protect his family it doesn't matter what happen to ours.
Try telling the minorities that!

The media pundits are trying to tell minorities how offended they should be by Trump's comments of "black jobs".

Yeah, not a great comment. But look at Biden's entire career. He's been nothing but awful for minorities.

Media punditry has gotten so offensive. They are so dishonest and insulting. It's a shame anyone buys it.