opinions on PLA?


Full Member
Aug 11, 2010
florida 32621

a while ago some guy-don't remember who-posted a long diatribe about how incompetent the russian military was/is; how china in so inferior militarily to us. went on about superiority of US military in all spheres. at the time he claimed all kinds of inside knowledge and experience. don't recall seeing him since. had the idea that he was a fed schill or plant but not sure. those statements were contrary to opinions expressed in most places from "our side". opinions?
chinese anti CCP group. a lot of expats i believe. that is my reason for posting and looking for ideas. it is a very mixed outfit. alot of pushing "american family" and religious values; a lot of touchy feely; a lot of shen yun ballet shit. still they come up with some stuff contra mainstream.
kinda disappointed that they caved on dilbert.
If china and Russia were as strong as every “hoped” they are, we’d have a different flag waving outside already.

Every one thought Russia still had some power, useless as tits in a bull. Imagine if they were actually fighting a war that had difficult logistics. They’d be out of ammo in a week, it almost happened anyway and they were fighting next door.

If china is as strong and capable as everyone wants them to be, they’d be in Taiwan already. They see our military tech doing a 180 and much longer range weapons are coming on line for the last 18 months.

Every year they wait, we can stand off 50 miles farther from the coast out of harms way.

As Bradly said, amateurs think battle plans professionals think logistics. The one thing that America has over every other country is the ability to move material all over the globe.
a good point but,i think,apples and oranges. yes we can and have moved stuff all over. however,never against large meaningful resistance. ww1 still some u boat menace had reduced by 1917,almost 0 in 1918. ww2 we met basically no resistance in our island hoping until within coverage by japanese air-phillipines,okinawa. prior to that some interdiction at guadalcanal eventually overcome. in atlantic a lot of merchant losses in north going to russia. hitler didn't put enough into u boats and his surface raiders got trashed quickly by RN. we moved stuff into korea,vietnam,mid east with no opposition at all.
yes,our navy is still dominant despite dems meddling. russia and/or china would still make a major transport too costly and we don't have near the capacity we did in 1945 or 65 for that matter. could we beat china's or russia's interdiction efforts? maybe but the cost would be unacceptable and unsustainable. really the same reasons china and russia are not coming here,even if they wanted to. china gonna have big trouble just crossing the straits.
could be wrong but i don't see a target needing big naval for russia. they can supply cuba,venezuela against no resistance but not otherwise. seems true that the PLA ground is huge but untested. reliability? just getting enough troops to asia to fight them is a major problem. we can't recruit enough and sending a new drafted army would prob= a major civil war here. our industrial base is rusted out.
i don't know enough about current latest air to even have an opinion.
a good point but,i think,apples and oranges. yes we can and have moved stuff all over. however,never against large meaningful resistance. ww1 still some u boat menace had reduced by 1917,almost 0 in 1918. ww2 we met basically no resistance in our island hoping until within coverage by japanese air-phillipines,okinawa. prior to that some interdiction at guadalcanal eventually overcome. in atlantic a lot of merchant losses in north going to russia. hitler didn't put enough into u boats and his surface raiders got trashed quickly by RN. we moved stuff into korea,vietnam,mid east with no opposition at all.
yes,our navy is still dominant despite dems meddling. russia and/or china would still make a major transport too costly and we don't have near the capacity we did in 1945 or 65 for that matter. could we beat china's or russia's interdiction efforts? maybe but the cost would be unacceptable and unsustainable. really the same reasons china and russia are not coming here,even if they wanted to. china gonna have big trouble just crossing the straits.
could be wrong but i don't see a target needing big naval for russia. they can supply cuba,venezuela against no resistance but not otherwise. seems true that the PLA ground is huge but untested. reliability? just getting enough troops to asia to fight them is a major problem. we can't recruit enough and sending a new drafted army would prob= a major civil war here. our industrial base is rusted out.
i don't know enough about current latest air to even have an opinion.
If it actually goes down with china it’s all air and navy. After the initial US troops are wiped out the first hour, we should melt down all small arms to make torpedos.

Every war sim ends the same.

It’s impossible to put US boots on china soil, the losses are staggering on both sides.

The US navy blockades china from an imports, “starving them out”.
Don't we spend more on military then the next ten nations combined(something like that)? Even with the state of wokeness no other country would have a prayer against us. Our tech is light years ahead and our shit works and we can just print money till the end of time it seems
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Logistically the US Government has always sourced shipping companies from other countries to move beans, bandaids and bullets around for the war machine, according to an article I read a few months ago. I’ve got to find it and I’ll link it.
What has changed within the past few years is China has been buying those companies that do the shipping for the US, currently, moving product around the world has not been hindered but China just has to say no more and the supply shipping tap will be shut off.

Combine that with a military push, such as Taiwan invasion, and the US has a disadvantage mobilizing. Which is exactly what China wants. Now I am paraphrasing the article, which does a much better job reporting on the logistical squeeze China is working on than my memory , so , hopefully I can find that article.
The PLA has moved at least two divisions of soldiers across our borders since Biden decided to flood our nation with foreign scum. They are literally being paid by the US government to conduct clandestine operations against the US since they are recognized as "asylum seekers". We are a nation of fucktards.

We are paying a foreign military to destroy us from within. And we fucking buy tons of meth and fentenyal from them so they can kill over 120000 Americans annually from adulterated foreign drugs.

When Biden wins in November we will have to rename the country the United Collective of Fuckwits.
The PLA has moved at least two divisions of soldiers across our borders since Biden decided to flood our nation with foreign scum. They are literally being paid by the US government to conduct clandestine operations against the US since they are recognized as "asylum seekers". We are a nation of fucktards.

We are paying a foreign military to destroy us from within. And we fucking buy tons of meth and fentenyal from them so they can kill over 120000 Americans annually from adulterated foreign drugs.

When Biden wins in November we will have to rename the country the United Collective of Fuckwits.
Those guys will be tasked with taking down our power grid and fucking up water and food !
One thing to remember is that the Chicoms have NO real combat experience. Techologically they may be on par or better but in "ground pounding" combat we would stomp their guts out

Unlike our military, they tend to hire men who think they are male and train them. We can only hope we have enough gang bangers, rednecks and Marines to hold the line for the butt munchers, pedophiles, mystery genders and lactating men who will no doubt fold at the first whiff of something harder than gagging on Biden balls.
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Only face to face combat would be the initial pre planted expedition force on Taiwan.

After those guys are wiped out the next face to face will be a combat pilot shot down and taken as POW.

Truthfully I dont even know if a “proper” land battle can be had on Taiwan. It’s too close to the mainland and almost all munitions on both sides can cross the entire island.

The entire island is approx 250 x 90 miles

The first column that moves and doesn’t have air superiority or very layered air defense is vanished in 20-30 minutes.
The Houthis have shown what our Navy can't do. We haven't had manufacturing ability since WWII. The Russians and, presumably, the Chinese have ramped up production dramatically. We can't even field F35s to any extent. The misuse of our military has discouraged a generation from serving. I never served (genuine apologies all around). I sure as hell don't want my kids dying for our corrupt corporations.
OK. i know the chinese have 2+ divisions here. i do think they are here for a reason. i know they want tiawan and are pushing hard there and on the philippines. i know they steal a lot of tech ,have a lot of agents in our intel bureaus,most nuc med & radiation workers are chinese. in fact,they about own several depts at UF i know for sure. they are deep into our financial/business area.
since i only really follow stuff from "my side" i retained some lingering doubts about their being an active threat. i know we have real enemies. often the gov ignores the real ones. our government is well know to create boogey men in order to start wars and shit to benefit the deep state and MIC eg hitler,the kaiser,iraqi WMDs,ho and the NV etc. i was hoping (a little) that the china threat was over stated. WRONG!
saw on WION (indian news outfit) that they are still jerking around on their border with india. keeping thousands of combat troops close despite an agreement to pull them back. so now i am fully,instead of a little, china paranoid like most awake americans.
if they are the real threat they seem to be,we are fucked. our current "leadership" is incapable of dealing with such and looks to be deliberately adding to it. i just wonder what the obama cartel,soros NWO,xi and others think their long term gain is. nuc war is almost assured if any of these things go hot. like putin said,then we all die.
China India boarder is saber rattling.

The real issue with china / India is china is damning up rivers, lakes and diverting them. Those are the watersheds that feed fresh water to India. It’s been a hot topic for about 20 years now.

Like said above no one wants to go hot.

If the us and china get serious; even if china “wins” they lose. We are their biggest importer, with out the US their economy crumbles. Never mind the rest of the world boycotting them.

They take Taiwan and get blockaded into 3rd world status. The US will recover sooner or later, maybe not the same position as now but we won’t be a third world nation, china will.

Truthfully I think china will just have a 2 day coup in Taiwan when they have it set up. The sooner the government gives in the less time it is for a carrier group to show up.

The US won’t start tactical strikes if there isn’t an ongoing warzone on the island. We’ll show up make a lot of noise on the world stage and that’s about it. “We” can’t start WW3.
One thing to remember is that the Chicoms have NO real combat experience. Techologically they may be on par or better but in "ground pounding" combat we would stomp their guts out
Check out the US Soldiers sleeves for combat patches - not many out there except Officers and Senior NCOs. US military turns over every year with enlistments ending, retirements, etc. I remember my unit being replaced in Iraq in 2006 - the replacing Infantry Brigade was all fresh out of OSUT except for E5 and above and 03 and above.
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The Houthis have shown what our Navy can't do. We haven't had manufacturing ability since WWII. The Russians and, presumably, the Chinese have ramped up production dramatically. We can't even field F35s to any extent. The misuse of our military has discouraged a generation from serving. I never served (genuine apologies all around). I sure as hell don't want my kids dying for our corrupt corporations.
The Houthis demonstrate the Clausewitz politics and war discussion. Rules of Engagement limit destroying the Houthis and every other terrorist group. US has not played for keeps since WW2.
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One thing to remember is that the Chicoms have NO real combat experience. Techologically they may be on par or better but in "ground pounding" combat we would stomp their guts out
When was the last time that the US fought a peer to peer fight - not "police actions" or GWOT - a WW kind of fight.
Problem is that we probably run out of bullets before they run out of chinks.

Except Army Jerry.

He won’t run out of bullets!

One of the new SM-6 launched from a F-18 from 200 plus miles out puts that landing craft on the bottom of the yellow river lol

F35 is 100 miles ahead playing quarter back to long range munitions from f18 and other gen 4 air assets. That’s why when people piss on the f35 for not being a pure dog fighter…it’s made to be a stealth flying data command center.

“Missile” trucks stay out of range and let the stealth guys up front who don’t have the payload data link to weapons.

They just got done testing cruise missiles being dropped out of “cargo” craft like a Hercules. Drops out the box with a parachute and off it goes. No need for a dedicated plane and a long range force multiplier

Really cool stuff if your into it.
One of the new SM-6 launched from a F-18 from 200 plus miles out puts that landing craft on the bottom of the yellow river lol

F35 is 100 miles ahead playing quarter back to long range munitions from f18 and other gen 4 air assets. That’s why when people piss on the f35 for not being a pure dog fighter…it’s made to be a stealth flying data command center.

“Missile” trucks stay out of range and let the stealth guys up front who don’t have the payload data link to weapons.

They just got done testing cruise missiles being dropped out of “cargo” craft like a Hercules. Drops out the box with a parachute and off it goes. No need for a dedicated plane and a long range force multiplier

Really cool stuff if your into it.

Cool! Stir fry!

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