Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

Definitely the tooth is the issue. I can wiggle it and change the pain. I asked him if pulling it was the best overall plan, I spent a good bit of money on another molar a few years ago and ended up having to pull it anyway. He advised he could save it. Wish I had insisted it was pulled.

Sat up in the chair all night. I took 1200mg Gabapentin and did sleep a few hours. It is unbelievable right now, I considered trying to freakin pull it myself 🫣

No freeloading

Definitely the tooth is the issue. I can wiggle it and change the pain. I asked him if pulling it was the best overall plan, I spent a good bit of money on another molar a few years ago and ended up having to pull it anyway. He advised he could save it. Wish I had insisted it was pulled.

Sat up in the chair all night. I took 1200mg Gabapentin and did sleep a few hours. It is unbelievable right now, I considered trying to freakin pull it myself 🫣

No freeloading

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Except we would not BE where we ARE without this fucktard and his endless leftard views. But "Ohhhhh... they were funny and edgy and made for great water cooler talk at Fakebook's dick-sucking HQ the next day." Causing the commies to double down on grooming and pedo BS.

So he should go before the tribunals first...

Maybe 'not guilty' if one takes his fucking back-pedaling into account. Or... maybe... more guilty because as an influencer he caused this shit.

No refunds "Bill." You created this cesspool. You go to the guillotine first.
