What are the odds

Hope someone can dig deep into this one…someone knew, well, something.

Some fucked up shenanigans going back for decades with a lot of that old oil, and MIC board member money floating around in SF Junior (Austin). I honestly wouldn’t be surprised to see one or more of LBJ’s heirs on the board of that company…or someone else closely related to old Democrat royalty.
They're currently sitting on a nearly $65 million dollar unrealized loss at the moment, unless they already closed their short position when the price peaked, in which case their losses were quite a bit more. That was a roughly $374M dollar bet, that is substancial by any measure.
WTF ?, as 'link' It is a Twitter/X posting .. So this is actually factual info in the X link ? , and all done a day before trump gets his ear pierced.
WTF ?, as 'link' It is a Twitter/X posting .. So this is actually factual info in the X link ? , and all done a day before trump gets his ear pierced.

This has been bouncing around a couple of days. x posting is first time company named.

375m loss on a billion dollars in assets is serious…. Wonder when their call came in?
