Shots Fired At President Trump's Butler PA Rally!

So who leaked the close up photo of the dead shooter? Then today the photo of the cell phone, 9 volt battery and remote :ROFLMAO: detonator? Whoever took those pics had to take pics of the gun - and probably the shell casings that rolled off the aggressively sloped roof
Likely the local LE who were pictured up there first. Same with the pic taken above of Crooks before things started. Some of what is leaking out is CYA, other bits that have no pictures/video or other source are there to misdirect. Given the locals have been thrown under the bus, I can't fault them for leaking stuff.
Deep off in some Taiwanese pussy!

Unfortunately, I think it will. My fear is he will use 2A people to get elected and then call for gun control after this.
Worried about that same thing as well, especially after the bump stocks. But it’s better Trump running things than any of the degenerate filth on the other side.
Wasn’t the shot at 130ish yards.

Just how much was the wind blowing that day ?
That’s what I heard.

One poster on this thread, a shitload of pages back posted the wind speeds & correction for several projectiles at certain velocities. Apparently the wind kicked up a bit when it was DJT’s time to speak.

Where you been hiding at? Sniping more rockchucks with your SRS? I thought we’d have seen more of you on this thread.
I think you can see one of the victims get struck with the 2nd round. Far right side of the video, just under the big screen. The way he goes down tells me he was hit. That's also the area where one of the victims came from. Also has some audio of the rounds fired, and you can just barely hear the crack of the last round fired around 15-16 seconds after the first shot. IMO that last round was from CS team 3, and it was either the kill shot, or an anchor shot. I don't we'll ever really get the juicy details about where he was hit, and how far the shots were that were taken.

The shooter and 3 cs teams .....
That's 7 rifles and then all the folks on the ground that we don't have a count on. Plenty of legitimate options.
It was a single shooter. All you have to do is look at where the rnds impacted to see that.
There's a lot of fishy stuff about this situation but there's not a doubt in my mind about it being a single shooter.
Worried about that same thing as well, especially after the bump stocks. But it’s better Trump running things than any of the degenerate filth on the other side.

Or he can go hard the other way… after watching the forces arrayed against him. The 2a matters more than ever.

My bet is on that.

I doubt Trump will go anti-2A. Don Jr mentions how he's an avid shooter almost daily and now JD Vance (VP) who speaks about firearms regularly. Those 2 are obviously extremely close to Trump and I would think will push strong pro-2A opinions.

IDK that we'll see him do much to advance the second amendment but I doubt he'll go the other direction.
That’s what I heard.

One poster on this thread, a shitload of pages back posted the wind speeds & correction for several projectiles at certain velocities. Apparently the wind kicked up a bit when it was DJT’s time to speak.

Where you been hiding at? Sniping more rockchucks with your SRS? I thought we’d have seen more of you on this thread.
The snipwrshide deep state doesn’t want me hear. Too many uncomfortable truths posted from me. So they “discourage” me.

Yes groundhogs and larger varmints. Haven’t shot the desert techs in a while. AI is the easy button.
I doubt Trump will go anti-2A. Don Jr mentions how he's an avid shooter almost daily and now JD Vance (VP) who speaks about firearms regularly. Those 2 are obviously extremely close to Trump and I would think will push strong pro-2A opinions.

IDK that we'll see him do much to advance the second amendment but I doubt he'll go the other direction.

I have to agree. I was a bit concerned when the RNC dropped the 2A plank from the "Platform," but I hope that was just a "head fake" to keep the DNC and others quiet, while they (RNC) pursue pro2A positions anyway.
If you want to go down the conspiracy rabbit hole.....
Spend your time and energy on the fact that the shooter was as conspicuous as possible for hours before he even broke a shot.
That kid wanted to be stopped, he wanted to be caught and wasn't.
He may or may not of had outside help/influence, but he sure as hell was allowed to do what he did.
I was thinking what kind gay fudd crap is that?

Then , I remember that in 4 counties in Texas, you cannot hunt deer on public land with a crossbow unless you have a doctor's note to explain why charging and operating a crossbow can be done and how you cannot use a compound or simple recurve bow. There is no explanation given in the rules, it's just there.
Used to be that way in Louisiana too.
If you want to go down the conspiracy rabbit hole.....
Spend your time and energy on the fact that the shooter was as conspicuous as possible for hours before he even broke a shot.
That kid wanted to be stopped, he wanted to be caught and wasn't.
He may or may not of had outside help/influence, but he sure as hell was allowed to do what he did.
Possible we are reading into this more than it is;
Take any profession these days, the new hires, do they really take their job seriously?
For the most part, they wear sunglasses and play on their phones.
There really isn't any hard training, or apprenticeships.
They are complacent.
They don't expect the unexpected, or are prepared for it when "It" happens.
They dress up and "look the part" but can they really do their job?
Small town, mid America and they were not prepared for the unexpected.
It's a new world in the new hire department.
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Possible we are reading into this more than it is;
Take any profession these days, the new hires, do they really take their job seriously?
For the most part, they wear sunglasses and play on their phones.
There really isn't any hard training, or apprenticeships.
They are complacent.
They don't expect the unexpected, or are prepared for it when "It" happens.
They dress up and "look the part" but can they really do their job?
Small town, mid America and they were not prepared for the unexpected.
It's a new world in the new hire department.
There’s more than meets the eye to this.

Add in deliberately putting turds on trumps detail
Add in DidntEarnIt


Add in JFC it’s 130 yards away. Do half you people even shoot. Do you realize how close 130 yards is.
There’s more than meets the eye to this.

Add in deliberately putting turds on trumps detail
Add in DidntEarnIt

View attachment 8461494

Add in JFC it’s 130 yards away. Do half you people even shoot. Do you realize how close 130 yards is.
When I was 16ish, I missed a wt buck, standing broad side, at less than that distance- 4 times.
When I was 16ish, I missed a wt buck, standing broad side, at less than that distance- 4 times.
It’s more the SS / police etc should have been able to eye ball the shooter immediately / the area should have been f ing secured.

Incompetent or on purpose. Or both. No other explanation.
I doubt Trump will go anti-2A. Don Jr mentions how he's an avid shooter almost daily and now JD Vance (VP) who speaks about firearms regularly. Those 2 are obviously extremely close to Trump and I would think will push strong pro-2A opinions.

IDK that we'll see him do much to advance the second amendment but I doubt he'll go the other direction.
He may be beginning to understand how tenuous his supporters grasp of freedom is. Maybe that will influence his 2nd amendment choices.
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It’s more the SS / police etc should have been able to eye ball the shooter immediately / the area should have been f ing secured.

Incompetent or on purpose. Or both. No other explanation.
The simplest explanation is usually the best, and incompetence is it. Did we see any competence? Did you see the video of them bringing hi to the hospital emergency room door, no special entrance with armed security already waiting, no advance to clear the area. SUVs pull up, with high roofs all around, chunky ss lady steps out in front of the SUV with her pistol, and the former president walks into an unsecured area through a big sliding glass door from an unsecured outside area.

It is not like he wuld die in seconds and they were wheeling him in on a gurney. They had time to do a few minutes of preparation.

If this had been an organized group it would have been a simple matter to have a competent sniper on a rooftop at the hospital and a couple of guys with pistols waiting inside the emergency room faking injuries.

Trump would have been dead.

It is mere luck that he is alive.

These folks are incompetent to the point that it can almost be said Trump's odds of surviving the assassination attempt were roughly the same whether the Secret Service was there or not. I say almost because of the sniper who eventually took out Crooks, but one of the local PD with a rifle could have done that just as well given the short distance involved.
And I just want to point out - we saw the snipers' gear, the tripods, the optics. We know the distance. 95% of us have gear and optics. We know what it looks like to look through a scope at that distance and what we can see.

And we are asked to believe that they had to wait because the rifle might be a telescope in the hands of a well meaning young Trump supporter who climbed up on the roof to get a better view of Trump?

Does anybody here with a scope that goes up to 20 power believe that crap?

Orders to hold fire until fired upon are incompetent orders, if in fact those exist. It is basically too late at that point in an assassination attempt.
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There are images upthread that show the impacts in relation to the shooter’s location.
Which means what? I can draw some lines on a photo as well, that doesn't mean I'm basing it on facts or on any actual info at all.

Other than the ear shot, "WE" have no idea where other rounds did or didn't come from, or the angles they impacted at. I'm not refuting or advancing any theories, just stating what should be obvious, that you can't rule other things out based on facts that we don't know are facts.
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