

round 1 in the nexxt scamdemic?
from the slides -

Rankin detailed how, on Friday, May 24, 2024, the Hidden Creek Farm posted on Facebook explaining that they “had an unexpected visit from MDARD (Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development)…[where] three individuals proceeded to step out of the vehicles and pull a pump sprayer out of the car and started spraying the tires and sides of the vehicle down with a “mystery solution.
Hidden Creek Farm is a 100% chemical free farm. MDARD was not given consent to spay a mystery solution on the state vehicle they were driving all over our property.
Hidden Creek Farm then said they had some “questions” about this solution: “Firstly, what was it? Second, was the person who mixed and sprayed it trained [or] qualified? Third, is MDARD going to pay for the contamination of [our] soil cleanup?”​
Rankin went on to explain that biosecurity on farms, even those that don’t offer raw milk, is extremely important. Chemicals can stay in the soil, contaminating the cows’ feed and putting them and those who consume their products at risk.​
Rankin also noted that this clear violation of the law is concerning for American farmers and citizens alike. He said that it could mean the government plans to expand its control and jurisdiction on privately-owned farms.​
As of July 2024, MDARD does not have jurisdiction over private farms that provide cow-share programs for local residents. However, this situation clearly shows they may start showing up at all small farms throughout the state as they attempt to curtail the growing avian flu problem.​
Rankin argues that this action, as well as many more that are likely on the way, is a clear violation of Americans’ private dairy rights. He is even concerned the MDARD or FDA could ban raw milk altogether.​
Americans should have the right to choose the food and drink they and their families consume, including safe, chemical-free raw milk.

This part should scare the hell out of everyone

the United States government purchasing large swathes of farmland. This is certainly a concern for food freedom, small businesses, and individual rights.​
He notes that many farmers and Americans alike are afraid the government’s control over farmland can and will further restrict what people grow and consume, drastically restricting personal freedoms in the so-called land of the free.​
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round 1 in the nexxt scamdemic?

round 1 in the nexxt scamdemic?
Soon these “scares” will be a cried wolf too many times deal.
This is timely.

Biden tests positive for COVID-19, White House says

Opportunity for them to remove their figurehead from the office and election?
What a noble and believable way to be rid of their problem child than to have him be a victim of the super duper deadly Covid virus.
from the slides -

Rankin detailed how, on Friday, May 24, 2024, the Hidden Creek Farm posted on Facebook explaining that they “had an unexpected visit from MDARD (Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development)…[where] three individuals proceeded to step out of the vehicles and pull a pump sprayer out of the car and started spraying the tires and sides of the vehicle down with a “mystery solution.
Hidden Creek Farm is a 100% chemical free farm. MDARD was not given consent to spay a mystery solution on the state vehicle they were driving all over our property.
Hidden Creek Farm then said they had some “questions” about this solution: “Firstly, what was it? Second, was the person who mixed and sprayed it trained [or] qualified? Third, is MDARD going to pay for the contamination of [our] soil cleanup?”​
Rankin went on to explain that biosecurity on farms, even those that don’t offer raw milk, is extremely important. Chemicals can stay in the soil, contaminating the cows’ feed and putting them and those who consume their products at risk.​
Rankin also noted that this clear violation of the law is concerning for American farmers and citizens alike. He said that it could mean the government plans to expand its control and jurisdiction on privately-owned farms.​
As of July 2024, MDARD does not have jurisdiction over private farms that provide cow-share programs for local residents. However, this situation clearly shows they may start showing up at all small farms throughout the state as they attempt to curtail the growing avian flu problem.​
Rankin argues that this action, as well as many more that are likely on the way, is a clear violation of Americans’ private dairy rights. He is even concerned the MDARD or FDA could ban raw milk altogether.​
Americans should have the right to choose the food and drink they and their families consume, including safe, chemical-free raw milk.

This part should scare the hell out of everyone

the United States government purchasing large swathes of farmland. This is certainly a concern for food freedom, small businesses, and individual rights.​
He notes that many farmers and Americans alike are afraid the government’s control over farmland can and will further restrict what people grow and consume, drastically restricting personal freedoms in the so-called land of the free.​
no you do not have the right to decide what you put in your body. your rulers will tell you that. and that will be decided by their owners who will tell
them what that is. your fda and cdc and epa will tell you what is safe. you can not question them as they have knowledge that will not be questioned.

It's Jover
  • Haha
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The youth gender clinic came under fire last February, when Jamie Reed, a former case manager, released explosive whistleblower allegations about care teams had hastily prescribed hormones with lasting effects to teens with psychiatric problems.

Doctors there routinely prescribed irreversible gender-swapping drugs to youths as young as 12 after seeing them just twice, claimed Reed, who is gay and herself married to a trans person.

When parents objected to rushing kids onto puberty blockers, they were told that not doing so would leave the youngster suicidal, and were asked: 'Do you want a dead daughter or an alive son?' Reed claimed.
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1st GRADER...
Banned from recess for 2 weeks......
FORCED to apologize on Playground......
for simply recognizing that ALL LIVES matter.


A California judge has ruled that teachers were right to punish a seven-year-old girl over a Black Lives Matter drawing because 'she's too young to have First Amendment rights'
This prompted principal Jesus Becerra to tell B.B. the drawing was inappropriate and racist.
He then punished B.B. by

  • making her publicly apologize on the playground to her classmates and teachers.
  • B.B. was also banned from recess and from drawing pictures for two weeks.

Racist principle?

Parents should sue him as well
Yeah I was being modest in my assessment.
I dont think those roofs are even 3/12, maybe more like 2/12 or even less.
But remember......now the Cheetos dingbat in charge of the ss is now saying that the shooter was there to cause a "mass casualty event" like Vegas, not to shoot Trump.

Note to ss director;

Sure, that's why he shot Trump FIRST.

fucking moron.
Last edited:
1st GRADER...
Banned from recess for 2 weeks......
FORCED to apologize on Playground......
for simply recognizing that ALL LIVES matter.

View attachment 8461557

A California judge has ruled that teachers were right to punish a seven-year-old girl over a Black Lives Matter drawing because 'she's too young to have First Amendment rights'
This prompted principal Jesus Becerra to tell B.B. the drawing was inappropriate and racist.
He then punished B.B. by

  • making her publicly apologize on the playground to her classmates and teachers.
  • B.B. was also banned from recess and from drawing pictures for two weeks.

Racist principle?
View attachment 8461560

Parents should sue him as well
Call ICE
  • Like
Reactions: 10ring'r
1st GRADER...
Banned from recess for 2 weeks......
FORCED to apologize on Playground......
for simply recognizing that ALL LIVES matter.

View attachment 8461557

A California judge has ruled that teachers were right to punish a seven-year-old girl over a Black Lives Matter drawing because 'she's too young to have First Amendment rights'
This prompted principal Jesus Becerra to tell B.B. the drawing was inappropriate and racist.
He then punished B.B. by

  • making her publicly apologize on the playground to her classmates and teachers.
  • B.B. was also banned from recess and from drawing pictures for two weeks.

Racist principle?
View attachment 8461560

Parents should sue him as well

Since the Principal is a blatant racist that thinks nobody's life matters unless they are "black" then perhaps his life doesn't matter either?
I wonder if he'd like to rethink his stance when it's put that way.

But as always the courts are corrupt, crooked, compromised, complicit and cowardly.

That is super vile however to be punishing some poor innocent little girl for simply being happy with her skin colour and wanting her life to matter as much as everybody else's.

Nobody is going to be very sorry for any of these evil folks or the even the folks the "advantaged" when the push back comes, and it will come, if not by the good people it will be done ruthlessly by the Global elite once the "black lives" have done their job of destroying society and are of no more use.
1st GRADER...
Banned from recess for 2 weeks......
FORCED to apologize on Playground......
for simply recognizing that ALL LIVES matter.

View attachment 8461557

A California judge has ruled that teachers were right to punish a seven-year-old girl over a Black Lives Matter drawing because 'she's too young to have First Amendment rights'
This prompted principal Jesus Becerra to tell B.B. the drawing was inappropriate and racist.
He then punished B.B. by

  • making her publicly apologize on the playground to her classmates and teachers.
  • B.B. was also banned from recess and from drawing pictures for two weeks.

Racist principle?
View attachment 8461560

Parents should sue him as well
California Teacher
California School
California Judge

Nobody should act shocked or have a surprised look on their face.

Any family with school aged children should be working as hard as they can to leave the state.
I understand that some families have limited incomes and resources and may feel like they can't afford to pickup and move. But can they really afford not to?

Musk finally told them to plant a wet one on his ass and is leaving the state.