What are your predictions between now & 2/2025

Listen from 10.40, I wonder if the rest plays out as he saw.

Even before this clip I thought if the don't kill Trump, force us into WW3, and Trump regains the presidency we are in for a ride. Lefties will go mad, burn and loot cities etc. Would not put it past them to crash the economy under Trump's watch and think the blowback will see him or a patriotic style nominee relegated to history and banished from ever holding office again.
At least 1, maybe 2 hot wars with US troops openly in action. It’s the only way for the new world order Democrats to hold the presidency and impose martial law, while appealing to the knee jerk “patriotism” from boomers. It’s a race with the collapsing economy too.
The same thing is happening in Canada. Schwab, Gates, Soros, Obama, Clinton etc are aging out, and the opportunities are waning. It’s now or never.
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Send lots of knee mail to our Sovereign Father in Heaven. Tribe up. Only well know vetted - preferably blood .

I’d be amazed if there is even an election for them to cheat . Contrary to many I see a collapse coming - gradually for a while now and then all of a sudden
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