Fuck YouTube

YouTube and plenty of other content providers need to lose their Section 230 immunity. Right now they are playing the game from both sides; they claim to be a service provider so they don't have any responsibility for user generated free content that is inappropriate that is posted to their website but at the same time they are now moderating their content to a much greater extent than "everything that is not illegal" and are acting as a publisher.

If the Republicans win big this year it would be a nice thing to see them go after Section 230. They won't, because the Tech giants have all kinds of money for bribes but occasionally I still like to dream...
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Fucked up part, is I never even went to the store to pick up the rest of my special order. It’s sitting there as a partial delivery. Will swing in today and see what the my say in person. Might be short listing them soon
Do you have your original receipt ? If so, show it to them and demand a refund. In cash.
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YouTube and plenty of other content providers need to lose their Section 230 immunity. Right now they are playing the game from both sides; they claim to be a service provider so they don't have any responsibility for user generated free content that is inappropriate that is posted to their website but at the same time they are now moderating their content to a much greater extent than "everything that is not illegal" and are acting as a publisher.

If the Republicans win big this year it would be a nice thing to see them go after Section 230. They won't, because the Tech giants have all kinds of money for bribes but occasionally I still like to dream...
Hopefully they win big and are able to remove much much more than Section 230 immunity…
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