Hard to believe he was a true Trump Supporter

Expect more fuckery like this from an entire party of freaks and emotionally disturbed misfits as the poll numbers continue to increase the gap.

Stay locked and loaded. Watch your surroundings. The motherfucker in OP's article should not even be brought in to "justice" if ID'd by somebody. Gag and bag and dispose in a wetland should be SOP with fuckers like these because their actions just revoked their rights to live in civilized society among the rest of us.
Well he committed suicide a little while later at his house.

Good fucking riddance to that piece of shit. With the black community now on board with MAGA, fucker probably knew that he was going to be shanked in prison by the gangstas in there so he took the easy way out.
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Dead or not he's still voting for Kamaltoe. What you are seeing is the extreme hate and utter intolerance of the typical leftist.

They always blame others for their failures and have irrational anger at anyone who dares to disagree with their looney ideas and twisted beliefs. They have a weird level of self loathing. They are evil at their heart.
Dead or not he's still voting for Kamaltoe. What you are seeing is the extreme hate and utter intolerance of the typical leftist.

They always blame others for their failures and have irrational anger at anyone who dares to disagree with their looney ideas and twisted beliefs. They have a weird level of self loathing. They are evil at their heart.
I get dirty looks from blue haired freaks for this tattoo all the time. That’s a good feeling!
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