England Communist labor government Creates Peacekeeper force right out of Hunger Games

Things are going to go a lot worse over there before they start to remotely improve. It's going to have to get bad to the point that the proles decide to go medieval as it is the last and only resort that makes sense. No uniform will protect these mooks once it gets to that point but the population is like thermite, it is extremely difficult to ignite and will need a lot of heat to start undergoing it's own exothermic reaction.
He is deluded. There is already a mutual aid agreement in place for support at short notice between forces. Worse though is their plan to deal with knife crime. Ban most knives and machetes, have counselling and drop in centres for knife offenders, youths and gang members to be funded by charging lawful firearms owners full cost recovery for the firearms licensing process. So the most law abiding section of the country pays for the re education of the scumbags.
He is deluded. There is already a mutual aid agreement in place for support at short notice between forces. Worse though is their plan to deal with knife crime. Ban most knives and machetes, have counselling and drop in centres for knife offenders, youths and gang members to be funded by charging lawful firearms owners full cost recovery for the firearms licensing process. So the most law abiding section of the country pays for the re education of the scumbags.

Holy shit completely idealistically insane...

First of all he has no clue just how easy it is to create lethal stabbing tools from everyday objects. A lot of UK stabbings are not even done with knives but with sharpened screwdrivers and cosmetic files for their ability to be easily disguised and hidden in schoolbooks.

Second, "counseling" of criminals is an absolute joke with a 99%+ failure rate everywhere. When courts both here and elsewhere force young hoodboogers to undergo "anti-violence" classes they literally laugh and talk on social media about how they will try to keep a straight face, pretend to be serious during the classes, and give the counselors whatever they want to hear so they can get the nonsense over with as fast as possible. Sometimes right outside the very building these classes are held, these rascals would be continuing to commit robberies and assault...
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“a tiny mindless minority in our society” of people rioting against the mass stabbing of children

A tiny minority, that's why the country is fucked.

I have not seen a more utterly defeated and complacent people than in the UK. The sheer amount of seemingly normal people who were willing to jump on the feeding frenzy against JK Rowling in 2022 and the miniscule numbers coming to her defense was the first hint that something was really wrong.

This is daily reality in the UK: A grieving family whose young daughter had been raped and strangled by a muzzie migrant would receive a visit from suit wearing detectives. Not to inform the family what the suspect would be facing in the justice system, but to warn the family against posting anything online that would spark "discrimination against the suspect's race and religion". And the family would obediently nod and agree...

The UK is one of the few places where Chicom or Russian invasion and rule might actually be a better situation than the one these people are currently in.

It seems like Labour is looking to capitalize on the "riots" to ram in the full INGSOC 1984 apparatus of absolute and total control.
Is this Britian's version of Trudeau?


And he has proved himself to be a literal friend of criminals and terrorists. Radical Muslims in the UK are exhilarated because he will 'protect' them. And pedophile catching groups on the island are already concerned that he is going to outlaw their activities and give all manner of dirtbags even more special protections.

ETA: I called him "idealistically insane" in an earlier post above but I have to take it back, because Starmer is not idealistic or insane. There is a method to his madness.

Outlawing any form of self defense and giving a literal green light to criminals to do anything they want. The thought police cannot be everywhere, and the criminals will be just another extended branch of the state muscle keeping the citizen body in a constant state of fear and unease so they do not dare to speak out or organize any countermeasures. "A Clockwork Orange" already predicted this, using criminals AS state muscle.

Divert taxpayer funds to obviously useless programs like "mandatory counseling for criminals" so the elites can enrich their own pockets with lavish abandon. Everybody KNOWS these programs never worked. You cannot help those who do not want to change and become good folks. There are no stories of former criminals who have changed because they were forced to attend a few classes that are most often presented by gang members and ex convicts themselves. The rate of new offenders who are in fact learning more advanced criminal trades like drug manufacturing and developing gang connections in these classes are astronomically high. Here in the US, these programs are known by everyone as merely "job fronts" to create more useless bureaucratic employment positions and a funnel for taxpayer money into private hands of the elite club.

Bankrupt the few remaining sportsmen and gun owners' groups in the country, stifling their activities, and possibly strangling the last bastions of gun ownership on the island. Gun license holders in the UK have already been having their licenses revoked and their guns confiscated simply for creating Youtube content about SHTF and disaster preparations involving using a gun to protect against hostiles.

All of this to pave the way for a new feudalistic order where the proles are packed into crime ridden cities, terrorized and kept in their place by both criminals and state jackboots alike, while rulers like Starmer and his buddies enjoy lavish lives behind elite security and manor walls and jet around the world to vacation resorts at their leisure.
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And he has proved himself to be a literal friend of criminals and terrorists. Radical Muslims in the UK are exhilarated because he will 'protect' them. And pedophile catching groups on the island are already concerned that he is going to outlaw their activities and give all manner of dirtbags even more special protections.

Needs more .22lr and police that aren’t just gov scum bags and know how to ignore things
Yes, they did.



I’m sure their elections are just as secure as ours

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