What do you perceive as the most Clear & Present Danger,

to this nation in the short term & long term as well?

Climate change and racism. Everyone is familiar with the stereotypical disabled lesbian midget of color and we should try to bring them up. But no one talks about the 7’2” white guy who can’t fit in a fuel efficient subcompact vehicle.
Short Term - Govt. efforts to confiscate firearms in general but, specifically, via tools like "red flag" laws and Civil Asset Forfeiture.

Long Term - Socialism --> Communism leading to the destruction of our society as originally intended in the Founding Father's docs.
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if you cannot feel the global temperature rising you are not paying attention.
So you're saying that the temperature should be the exact same every day ?

Strangely enough, there have been numerous ice ages, numerous heat waves, and the planet keeps on a tickin.

In an absolute mind blowing series of events.....some days it rains....some days it snows......some days it's windy......and surprise surprise, some days it's sunny.

Shocking I tell ya, just shocking.
So you're saying that the temperature should be the exact same every day ?

Strangely enough, there have been numerous ice ages, numerous heat waves, and the planet keeps on a tickin.

In an absolute mind blowing series of events.....some days it rains....some days it snows......some days it's windy......and surprise surprise, some days it's sunny.

Shocking I tell ya, just shocking.

especially "Our Democracy" TM

Yup. Rubes being conned into thinking our country is simple majority rule, "creatively" circumventing the constitution & bill of rights. The constitution & BOR is not "fluid & evolving", it is rock solid in what is written.

If folks do not like what is written, then there are defined ways to amend it.

However, that is difficult, as it should be.

So difficult that "they" have found it "easy" to circumvent. Continually. The 2A as an oversimplified example here. One of the BOR whittled away at over & over & over. Simply to provide more power to the government. Less freedom to citizens.

Government should work for us, not the other way around...
It's a good question.

I see a potential scenario where in the 2024 general election the Democratic candidate appears from the official vote count to win the popular vote and Electoral College, and the Republican base, fueled by accusations of voter fraud, refuses to accept that and attempts to impose their preferred outcome by force of arms.

A variation on that is where the mechanisms installed to certify elections at local, state, and federal levels ... break down and a "Certification Argument" escalates to the point where violence is invoked by one or both sides to impose their preferred outcome.

Either way, at that point, the end of the "American Experiment" will be in sight and on the horizon.
It's a good question.

I see a potential scenario where in the 2024 general election the Democratic candidate appears from the official vote count to win the popular vote and Electoral College, and the Republican base, fueled by accusations of voter fraud, refuses to accept that and attempts to impose their preferred outcome by force of arms.

A variation on that is where the mechanisms installed to certify elections at local, state, and federal levels ... break down and a "Certification Argument" escalates to the point where violence is invoked by one or both sides to impose their preferred outcome.

Either way, at that point, the end of the "American Experiment" will be in sight and on the horizon.

I don’t see it. Republicans are like the French .
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The most Clear and Present Danger are The Bear and the Dragon. Together, they represent The Sum of All Fears. Our current generations owe A Debt of Honor to the generations that came before, not to let our nation fall. Unfortunately, Executive Orders have run amuck in recent years. The ship won't right itself, and I fear it will come to Patriot Games before it is all over.
So you're saying that the temperature should be the exact same every day ?

Strangely enough, there have been numerous ice ages, numerous heat waves, and the planet keeps on a tickin.

In an absolute mind blowing series of events.....some days it rains....some days it snows......some days it's windy......and surprise surprise, some days it's sunny.

Shocking I tell ya, just shocking.
The temperature between Good and Evil.