Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

Not a one up but a similar story.
Clutch went out of the Pete as I pulled under the load rack.
Jerked it out of gear and got stopped.
Threw on 8500 gallons of gas and like you said, put it in first gear (18sp) and start the motor.
I was able to make the rest of my 406 mile trip, timing stop lights and rolling stop signs, got unloaded, truck refueled and parked all without a clutch.
So yeah it can be done but would I want to do it every trip?
Not really 😄
You must be an owner operator or someone that gets paid by the load to risk that run. I will say this if I had a pick with no clutch I would go with the big rig.
Reasons ? You’re in the crows nest and can read traffic 100 % better than a car. You can control your speed with Jake brake and more gears.
When I drove I would for the most part roll up to a stop without hitting by brakes and come to a complete stop.
Good job on getting your truck out of gear under the rack. As most would not know you could never get it out of gear without tapping the accelerator to take the load off transmission.
And I will say this only about 2 % of real drivers could actually pull that off, good job.
Especially with a load of fuel, you have a set.
The only way I knew how to drive my car home like that was because I used to drive my uncles 10 wheeler that had a 5 and 4 browning transmission.
And if anyone ever doubted a guy in a big rig could not come to a complete stop in a fully loaded big rig in city traffic without hitting his brakes I would say how much money do you have ?
Honestly it’s not really that hard you just have to know how to read traffic.
My whole CDL driving career that was about 10 yrs was all %, need I say more, lol.
Driving 80,000 fast and furious and 106,000 in Idaho in a truck and pup.
Loved driving but the pay sucked.
In a winter war, Area 4 would be tough to beat as long as their supplies held out and the weather stayed forever in their favor. They have the knowledge and gear to fight in winter.

Giving the fact that so much REAL Industry has moved south, leaving the northeast basically a rust belt, and the population influx, and the natural ability of so much of the population to survive and attack in Asymmetric Warfare, Region 3 would be tough to beat. Don’t give me this crap about the defeat of the 1861-1865 War of Northern Aggression. That was then, it’s an entirely different nation now.

As Chief of Staff, my first goal would be to eliminate Illinois. That is a dagger aimed at the heart of Region 3. Next, blockade the Chesapeake and New York harbor. Nothing gets in, nothing gets out. Then, invite West Virginia to join. With West Virginia, I have a dagger pointed at the middle of Region 5. If they were smart, they would then capitulate. That leaves the population burdened Region 1, lots of people, little else. Same with Region 2, excepting Alaska, lots of mountains and scenery, except for Seattle with Boeing and Portland with Leupold, we can easily duplicate anything they have to offer. Especially considering the Aircraft production in the Wichita, Kansas.

So, fellas, ready to commit? We’re gonna win.

Picture reproduced for your reference

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obviously there are scattered areas in #3 that would need attention. i can name everyone of them in FL. also,vulnerable from the caribbean like now. am sure guys from other states in #3 could point out areas in their states. area 4 is +/-. correct that IL would have to go. area 5 is a problem but would no doubt self destruct. but NC and esp KY would be vulnerable until 5 had totally burned itself out. all i know about WI/MI is the reports of their commie overload so no opinion. HI would be chinese quick but no loss. area 1 is quite balkanized so ??? real open invasion like we have going now from the southern border a big prob.
I think your prediction is storm trooper accurate!
I'll [with totally not better combat leadership and marksmanship skills] storm troop the fuck out of those communist pieces of shit.

Fuck communism, marxism, leftist, social democracy, social democrats, socialism, socialists, leftism, ad nauseum.

It's cancer. Time for surgical excision.
A battalion is between 3-7 companies. 3-4 in an Infantry battalion. That’s between 300-1200 troops. 12-15,000 NYPD are meter maids. Close to 20-30% are nearing retirement, and in rocking chair jobs. They can’t control what they are assigned now. Let them “walk two states over”, the attrition alone will make them cannon fodder for those hillbillies.
Rules of engagement change when you’re not being directed by a liberal DA snd you have to feed your family …it’s a different animal as we all know

If anybody thinks five guys who kiss their sister, jar pickles and keep peanut butter will hold off section 5 of the United States, which is upwards of 50 million people, with a Homebuilt AR and rusted shotgun I think they’re confused. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂