The day we lost our Republic

August 18th 1920 when the 19th amendment was passed. They never should have allowed it because they vote with emotion not actual facts.

That was not when the eventual destruction of "the republic" that everyone keeps going on about was actually sealed.
It was done before that if you understand how things happen.

The stupid good folks all begged and demanded things be put in place to bring this country to heel under the control of the Global Elites.
Propagandized folks that thought they were good, gladly forced the better part of a generation to be killed off to ensure the plan of the Global Elites continued without a hitch.
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Yes, correct! We are living in a woman's world right now!

Fuck them.....don't give them a second look or pay any attention to them! Women need to be reacquainted with humility.
I t was better when only property owners could vote……and only ***** men could own property….
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I t was better when only property owners could vote……and ***** men could own property….
Nah, its women that have ruined this country.

The reason that the world operated the same way for almost 2000 years, was becuase women knew their place, look how much it has changed since they got to vote. All because weak men allowed it.

Countries that still keep women out of power roles and out of voting still function as they always have. Its why the Amish maintain structure. Women arent making choices.

Sobering thought..... I bet half the men on here, are living with a woman that is actively cheating on them or fantasizing about other men daily. Why? because in this country we have empowered them. They have an oppurtunity to whore around without consequence. I bet a better percentage of women have more notches on their bed post than men today.

As mentioned, I love to look at women for what they are, but I no longer let them in my life. Western women are disgusting, evil, vile creatures.

You guys can "would" all you want, becuase most already "have"!
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Average bear pit poster complaining about women voters lol
The entire political left is composed of people who HATE. Socialism, Communism and the DNC are literally hate groups, racists and people who live their lives blaming all of life's failures on people who work hard and get ahead in life.

Emotional rallying cries hide complete lies and the free lunch crowd buys in every time.
There are 169,000,0000 women in America, do you honestly think every single one thinks and votes the same?

I though Republicans were supposed to be opposed to identity politics?
Those who contribute get to vote as is/was. Word Democracy or Republic was twisted into meaning something that it never was meant to mean :). Today we have rule of plebs, mob, idiocracy whatever you want to call system where dysfunctional people have a vote and further more you even don't have to prove you are a citizen (let alone contributing one) to get a vote.
Solution is simple, those who are net payees into the countries budget get a vote, those who receive from the state, are criminals or unable to prove that they work don't get to vote. Those elected get fixed terms of max 2+4 years and no position in judicial branch of government is permanent. Judges, prosecutors get limited terms and they get three strikes on their work, you fuck up and higher court finds your ruling/indictments not appropriate or even worse you get thrown out of the system for life. Same goes for cops and other civil servants.

Now likely hood of fixing that, well around 0.
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That was not when the eventual destruction of "the republic" that everyone keeps going on about was actually sealed.
It was done before that if you understand how things happen.

The stupid good folks all begged and demanded things be put in place to bring this country to heel under the control of the Global Elites.
Propagandized folks that thought they were good, gladly forced the better part of a generation to be killed off to ensure the plan of the Global Elites continued without a hitch.
Not saying they don`t exist mind you, but exactly who are some of these ' Global Elites " that engender so much fear and trepidation and that will soon run everything (if they don`t already? )? Are we talking about certain individuals ( Elon Musk? Bill Gates? George Soros? etc., etc) or these organizations whose actual members are pretty much anonymous to the vast majority ( UN, WHO, World Economic Forum, etc., etc., etc. )?
If bullfrog was 60 years younger, he’d be a school shooter for sure.
60 years! I'd be 15 years short of being an embryo. I don't hate kids or men, just women! Hate is actually a weak word when it comes to my feelings on women. Oh, and you better check your wife/gf's phone and social media, I know your persona on this site, she for cheating on YOU!

Just kidding.....she's not cheating....yet!
There are 169,000,0000 women in America, do you honestly think every single one thinks and votes the same?

I though Republicans were supposed to be opposed to identity politics?
The Courts ruled that women rule over men and splits usually result in a 64/40 transfer of wealth. Far too many women tell their husband how and what to think. Walk into a Target or some other shitbag left leaning store and tell me I'm wrong.
Nah, its women that have ruined this country.

The reason that the world operated the same way for almost 2000 years, was becuase women knew their place, look how much it has changed since they got to vote. All because weak men allowed it.

Countries that still keep women out of power roles and out of voting still function as they always have. Its why the Amish maintain structure. Women arent making choices.

Sobering thought..... I bet half the men on here, are living with a woman that is actively cheating on them or fantasizing about other men daily. Why? because in this country we have empowered them. They have an oppurtunity to whore around without consequence. I bet a better percentage of women have more notches on their bed post than men today.

As mentioned, I love to look at women for what they are, but I no longer let them in my life. Western women are disgusting, evil, vile creatures.

You guys can "would" all you want, becuase most already "have"!
You forgot to add that even if they are as dumb as a bag of rocks as long as they are attractive and let that pussy and mouth be used as central deposits they can not only survive but flourish..Eg The Kardashians.
I'm a member, I've actually signed up for a lifetime membership! You use it as a dig, I see it as an award. Along with membership card from 2 years ago comes 100% income retention, 100% reduction of dealing with emotions and craziness, 100% choice in how I spend my time, 100% increase in selection of what I watch, and where I shop. 100% reduction in cash flow that doesn't benefit me.

Pussy is like any drug, once you break from it and stop chasing it, you start to look back and ask yourself why you didn't do it sooner. I love being able to have conversations with women and not curbing my words. It amazes me how many women approach and show interest when you truly don't want anything to do with them.

I do my best to steer young men from women. The court system in this country has no equality when it comes to divorce. Almost all of you under 50 will figure this out at some point in your life. Most will repeat it and not figure out why they keep having to financially start fresh every 10-20years. Those of you over 60 will probably be the last of the "til death do us part"! Sad reality, but weak men wanted women to be able to vote and have a say! This is the reward!

Just my opinions.........
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Not saying they don`t exist mind you, but exactly who are some of these ' Global Elites " that engender so much fear and trepidation and that will soon run everything (if they don`t already? )? Are we talking about certain individuals ( Elon Musk? Bill Gates? George Soros? etc., etc) or these organizations whose actual members are pretty much anonymous to the vast majority ( UN, WHO, World Economic Forum, etc., etc., etc. )?

The ones you see are not the true Global Elites.
Whats truly dumb is you guys keep saying this out loud.

Some of you must of really hit every branch of the dumbass tree on the way down when momma threw you out.

Giving ammo to our enemies daily with stupid threads like this. FFS Morons.

My vote is when they took out Harambe....Nothing been right since.
That`s my question. Who are they then? Some mysterious, amorphous cabal sworn to secrecy a la Skull and Bones?

The actual servants of the Illuminated One, those who are given to see his actual presence, and are working without ceasing to bring the world under the rule of the teachings and laws of the Illuminated One.
Ok, I give up. It`s obvious nobody really knows. BUT THEY`RE OUT THERE!!

There are those that know what they are
There are a small few who actually know who the current ones are.

In your case, perhaps you should just content yourself by watching the puppets that you see visible on the stage and not worry about who gives orders to the puppet master.
There are those that know what they are
There are a small few who actually know who the current ones are.

In your case, perhaps you should just content yourself by watching the puppets that you see visible on the stage and not worry about who gives orders to the puppet master.
Thanks, I`m fine, just curious more than anything. Media with a conservative bent spends no small amount of time breathlessly expressing consternation and extreme concern over globalists, deep state and such rather ill defined cabals. I just began to wonder, " Who are those masked men in the shadows" that pose such a threat .
How appropriate in today's world. Nobody can look in the mirror and blame themselves. Nope it some other groups fault. Complacency, apathy, sloth, greed are all as common place today. As families getting up and going to church used to be. Literally everything that is happening has happenned time and again when nations turn away from God. It's all Eve's fault Adam ate the apple.....🤥🤣🤣
How appropriate in today's world. Nobody can look in the mirror and blame themselves. Nope it some other groups fault. Complacency, apathy, sloth, greed are all as common place today. As families getting up and going to church used to be. Literally everything that is happening has happenned time and again when nations turn away from God. It's all Eve's fault Adam ate the apple.....🤥🤣🤣

You still get to blame yourself.

As this politician from England once so well explained:

A group of people who would all fit in a single room control and rule over the rest of the 7 billion people on this planet as their serfs, property and playthings.
Most everyone at every level acquiesces and then enforces.

The forces of evil are very real and very active.
BUT they have gained power through people being stupid, lazy, spiteful, greedy, being "tolerant", hating others, being arrogant, being complacent, being afraid, being deceived, and refusing to do what they knew they should do.
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Plenty of great women out there. Marry a debt free virgin that dreams of home birthing her kids, biblical homeschooling, sowing, gardening, milking her cow, cheese making etc. A woman that recognizes her true role is serving her God, husband and children in that order.

Easy receipt for success.

What's ruined the country is all the weak men that marry these run through feminist bitches with advanced degrees. They only worship themselves, never putting husband or family before their "career" (selfish desires).

Women's suffrage may have been the beginning of the end, but birth control sealed the deal.
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Some of you need to understand the difference between gender roles / them knowing their place. And hating them

And get a hooker or sugar baby or something.


We said not vote or hold authority. We didn’t say cast them into fire mountain
August 18th 1920 when the 19th amendment was passed. They never should have allowed it because they vote with emotion not actual facts.
Oh... I wasn't thinking about that far back. I was thinking about THIS rather sad day...


Then again, it's highly likely that the two are connected.

Shouldn't we repealt it anyhow. I mean, after all... it's not like anybody is allowed to even DEFINE a "woman" these days anyway.
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Looks like minorities are WAY more at fault than women.

Never will understand the Asians voting commie. Guess they want .gov to force everyone to conform like they do
Some of you need to understand the difference between gender roles / them knowing their place. And hating them

And get a hooker or sugar baby or something.


We said not vote or hold authority. We didn’t say cast them into fire mountain
Where is this Fire Mountain, can I get the GPS coordinates please?
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