The Optic That Saved Trump's Life

Making the chinks out to be some kind of mythical boogeyman at this point is just retarded.

Send some northerners to kill southerners.

Use a particular ethnicity as the tax collectors.

Always makes it easier to hate something or someone that's ostensibly "different."

History is rife with such examples.
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You keep going with that kind of talk and this thread is going to resemble some dogpile from 2016 where a bunch of operators proclaim their need for absolute stability from -40°F to 140°F.

Duz TikTok access muh phone on mah WahFah nitwurk? :ROFLMAO:

Peak dumbf****ry :poop:

So if I'm running TikTok on my Holosun EPS and it's connected to my home WiFi network, will the Chinese activate its backdoor killswitch right before they invade Taiwan?

I recently pulled a pistol out of the back of a safe and found that its Trijicon RMR was dead. This really surprised me as I didn't the Chinese had the capability of killing those, so you can imagine my relief when I discovered that the battery was last changed in 2020.
So if I'm running TikTok on my Holosun EPS and it's connected to my home WiFi network, will the Chinese activate its backdoor killswitch right before they invade Taiwan?

Thass whut sum of our erudite brethren be suggestin'

On thet note, this here logic may be explainin' why muh drain's been backin' up so much lately...

Mah Holosun's been transmittin' them 5G signulz from Chynuh to thuh plummin'
All of my buddies know better than to directly fund China's military-industrial complex while simultaneously rewarding them for keeping people oppressed and in involuntary servitude. We have standards here.
China is a paper tiger that isn't going to war in any serious capacity with us. Taiwan is the only valid target and only because they want control over TSMC and other semi conductor fabricators so they can have a monopoly on them.

Do you really think joe blow purchasing a Holosun is at all a serious revenue stream for China's MIC? Lmao.

Also the whole indentured servitude thing is happening all over the globe including probably down the street from you and you do nothing about it. Complaining about buying a cheap red dot when people like you will happily slurp up iPhones is laughable.
So if I'm running TikTok on my Holosun EPS and it's connected to my home WiFi network, will the Chinese activate its backdoor killswitch right before they invade Taiwan?

I recently pulled a pistol out of the back of a safe and found that its Trijicon RMR was dead. This really surprised me as I didn't the Chinese had the capability of killing those, so you can imagine my relief when I discovered that the battery was last changed in 2020.
Ya, but where was the battery made. 🤯
I'm still on the "shooter couldn't shoot for shit theory" regardless of his sight options. I can't see a target clearly at 100 and I can keep 2 MOA with iron sights.

Bonus fun: CNN "Law Enforcement Expert" talked about how having a "detachable barrel" allowed him to hide the rifle in the backpack. I see where the next line of attack is coming.....
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China is a paper tiger that isn't going to war in any serious capacity with us. Taiwan is the only valid target and only because they want control over TSMC and other semi conductor fabricators so they can have a monopoly on them.
Not familiar with the Opium Wars, huh? 75,000 people die of Fentanyl Poisoning every year.
Add in the fact that they're funding the disharmony, dumbing down the public generally, and (at the very least) were complicit in COVID, and only a fool would not be able to see that we are presently engaged in asymmetrical warfare. And that doesn't even account for the hacking (and counter-hacking) that we hear almost nothing about.
Do you really think joe blow purchasing a Holosun is at all a serious revenue stream for China's MIC? Lmao.
LMAO? You think it's funny? How many jobs have been shipped to China? How much of our basic needs - even just in medicine- are we manufacturing here? Close to zero. And it all started with "Joe blow buying a [bottle of ibuprofen]. And then, all of the sudden, no manufacturing takes place here. And it's not "well that's capitalism" because they achieve their "efficiencies" by using an oppressed, immobile workforce.

And yes, tens of millions of dollars is a worthwhile revenue stream for China.

Also the whole indentured servitude thing is happening all over the globe including probably down the street from you and you do nothing about it. Complaining about buying a cheap red dot when people like you will happily slurp up iPhones is laughable.

Ah, the "I don't think things through very well" argument.

I've never purchased an iPhone. Samsung had pulled all of its manufacturing out of China for a very specific reason. Even if I had, that argument is dumb because there are hundreds of red dot options. There are (basically) only two phone options.

As to your baseless, untrue, and inane statement about "you do nothing about it" - let me introduce you to International Justice Mission . I strongly encourage you to donate. We also actually have a private organization local to me that counters this stuff . . . so again, you have absolutely zero clue about which you speak.
China is a paper tiger that isn't going to war in any serious capacity with us. Taiwan is the only valid target and only because they want control over TSMC and other semi conductor fabricators so they can have a monopoly on them.

Taiwan’s purely an ideological goal with some icing on top.

Skip to the ending for the gist of the video.

At the rate at which they’re advancing, China’s going to make Taiwan irrelevant.

We’re all going to be made irrelevant.
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Making the chinks out to be some kind of mythical boogeyman at this point is just retarded.
Don't fuck up the narrative grass that's been sowed for so long. You'll have that grazing group starting to ask questions they don't what to know the answers to,... or can handle.
I would love someone to explain to me the exact mechanism by which they see this happening with a device that's not connected to a network. I can make a couple of guesses, but am curious to hear what the class thinks before I'm willing to share.

Of all the ways that I'm concerned the Chinese might fuck us, somehow magically turning off the sight on my kid's 10/22 is kinda low on the list and would be even lower once the power goes out and the gas pumps stop running.

I was being facetious. But the concern is real!

Oh and do we “know” what is or is not not connected to a network any more? We know every circuit? Receiver? Anyone look at chips and firmware and say “what’s that section of code.

I know.. tinfoil hat and probably no hidden receiver in a POS ChiCom optic. But you you know what definitely doesn’t have an issue? A c.2000 US Optics scope with a light that is directly connected to a battery and doesn’t need one anyway!!

Just because one is paranoid doesn’t mean that no one is out to get them!


PS. And it’s only crazy talk until it happens.

Stop with the slurs and hate speech or you will be banned. --The Management

Yes sirs! Sorry. Sirhr
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Not familiar with the Opium Wars, huh? 75,000 people die of Fentanyl Poisoning every year.
Add in the fact that they're funding the disharmony, dumbing down the public generally, and (at the very least) were complicit in COVID, and only a fool would not be able to see that we are presently engaged in asymmetrical warfare. And that doesn't even account for the hacking (and counter-hacking) that we hear almost nothing about.

LMAO? You think it's funny? How many jobs have been shipped to China? How much of our basic needs - even just in medicine- are we manufacturing here? Close to zero. And it all started with "Joe blow buying a [bottle of ibuprofen]. And then, all of the sudden, no manufacturing takes place here. And it's not "well that's capitalism" because they achieve their "efficiencies" by using an oppressed, immobile workforce.

And yes, tens of millions of dollars is a worthwhile revenue stream for China.

Ah, the "I don't think things through very well" argument.

I've never purchased an iPhone. Samsung had pulled all of its manufacturing out of China for a very specific reason. Even if I had, that argument is dumb because there are hundreds of red dot options. There are (basically) only two phone options.

As to your baseless, untrue, and inane statement about "you do nothing about it" - let me introduce you to International Justice Mission . I strongly encourage you to donate. We also actually have a private organization local to me that counters this stuff . . . so again, you have absolutely zero clue about which you speak.
Everything you are complaining about we did to ourselves. I guess I missed where Americans are being forced at gunpoint into those evil Chinese opium dens or use drugs laced with fentanyl(yeah they did not know their coke was supersized but thems the chances you take). Who shipped those jobs to China? Americans. Don't see any China men forcing people to go into harbor freight. We did it to ourselves so it's China's fault we are fucking ourselves? I guess my point is instead of screaming evil China go with stupid Amelican (not a typo).
Everything you are complaining about we did to ourselves. I guess I missed where Americans are being forced at gunpoint into those evil Chinese opium dens or use drugs laced with fentanyl(yeah they did not know their coke was supersized but thems the chances you take). Who shipped those jobs to China? Americans. Don't see any China men forcing people to go into harbor freight. We did it to ourselves so it's China's fault we are fucking ourselves? I guess my point is instead of screaming evil China go with stupid Amelican (not a typo).


From a forum I used to frequent…
Everything you are complaining about we did to ourselves.
You just proved my point. We did it to ourselves by not taking a principled stand, just like anyone who buys a Holosun.

Oh, and as far as the fentanyl deaths. . . . I'm sure those kids who aren't old enough to drive having fentanyl shoved into their faces are SUPER culpable.

Who in the fuck knew we had so many communist sympathizers in this forum. Pretty astounding.
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You just proved my point. We did it to ourselves by not taking a principled stand, just like anyone who buys a Holosun.

Oh, and as far as the fentanyl deaths. . . . I'm sure those kids who aren't old enough to drive having fentanyl shoved into their faces are SUPER culpable.

Who in the fuck knew we had so many communist sympathizers in this forum. Pretty astounding.

"Kids" too young to drive are currently doing premeditated murders and engaging in conspiracy to commit murders.
So I'm going to say a lot of those folks are in fact culpable for their actions.

Old enough to do adult stuff, old enough for adult consequences.
I'd like to add to that point that I was exposed to drugs and sex at a pretty young age and I abstained from it. Because I was parented properly. I place the blame squarely with the parents for how their children turn out (aside from the later teenage years. Only so much you can do by then).

Why do you rally so hard against the Chinese when your true enemy lies within your own borders? Foolish.
Oh, and as far as the fentanyl deaths. . . . I'm sure those kids who aren't old enough to drive having fentanyl shoved into their faces are SUPER culpable.

Collateral damage from adult Americans who can’t help their own snorting appetites.

“Think of the children” was a trope used by the gun grabbers.

But then… “Think of the children’s hearing” was a platform also used by some pro - suppressor advocates, might have been Texas, can’t really remember.

Go figure 🤣

Sounds like we Americans simply have no integrity and sway standards to our own convenience…
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Who said no one saw it? Obviously the fix was in. Why else do we not have any info of what was on his phone and all the other shady stuff they've done after the incident? I happen to have or had a dear friend who was extremely involved in stuff for uncle Sammy let's say. I know for a fact, without any doubt, there is absolutely no way that kid was looking at what he was looking at, and set up the way he was, without agency being very aware of it. Absolutely ZERO chance. The ONLY way that kid was there with the stuff he had and what he'd already done prior to taking shots, is because he was allowed to be.

When I lived in Oregon there was an arab teen who got popped by the FBI for wanting to attack a christmas tree celebration or something, except it turned out the fbi cultivated him, gave him money, brought him to the site, drove him around etc. Except this time around the Lee Harvey Oswald they set up missed.
Most of them are educate here. We hand out PhD's in the humanites like candy to Americans.

50% of all phds from american unis go to Asian Graduates.
And lemme tell ya. They ain't japanese or korean.
(Joke when I graduated was entry class was "Diverse" Graduating class Was Asians and White American Males.)

Paid for with y our tax dollars.
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Most of them are educate here. We hand out PhD's in the humanites like candy to Americans.

50% of all phds from american unis go to Asian Graduates.
And lemme tell ya. They ain't japanese or korean.
(Joke when I graduated was entry class was "Diverse" Graduating class Was Asians and White American Males.)

Paid for with y our tax dollars.

Maybe even as recently as a decade ago.

They’re now transitoning to mostly home - grown graduates.

And, nobody here wants to do hard stuff anymore.

Not worth attending U.S. universities, presently.

They’re all corporate profit scams.

Just like our hospitals; same modus operandi.

Look at our present pool of physicians.

Seems like we lack “True Grit.”
Why do you rally so hard against the Chinese when your true enemy lies within your own borders? Foolish.
Not understanding that the true enemy within our own borders is acting in alignment with (if not in concert with) the Chinese (and the Cartels) is foolish.

It's not an either/or proposition. It's a multi-front war.

Why is that so difficult to understand?

I'm not a member over on, but I have spent time in years gone by reading the mostly-vapid General Discussion.

Some of the people in this thread make them look like damn geniuses.
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The device you are posting from was made in China. Or most of it's components were. Half the stuff in your car probably was (I work automotive and a disgusting amount of OEM parts are chinese). There's no magical radio transmitter in a Holosun device that can turn it off.
Depending on the car, @sirhrmechanic could say half the parts in his car were made in the USA or Manchester England.
Depending on the car, @sirhrmechanic could say half the parts in his car were made in the USA or Manchester England.

In this regard (as well as several others), @sirhrmechanic is particularly unique and has earned the right to his claims.

Most other people are indeed driving around in cars consisting partially or even mostly of components with Chinese origin, regardless of the badge. Most consumer electronics are reliant upon Chinese components, regardless of the brand or assembly location. The fixtures in your home, the toys in your kid's room, the tools in your garage, the lawn equipment in your shed - all that stuff far outweighs a little electro-optic device. Windmill tilting at its finest.

There was a time when a principled stand on Chinese outsourcing would have done any good, but that's 15-20 years in the rearview mirror. (Coincidentally, that's less than half the age of sirhrmechanic's "late model" car!) Thinking that a self-righteous attitude towards a $250 trinket has any benefit is narcissism in the extreme and a pathetic attempt at compensating for one's actual sins in selling out the country.

But if one really thinks that this issue carries any weight, the solution is relatively easy - just talk Trijicon into redesigning the RMRcc to fit the Shield/K footprint. I'd buy several today if it was an option.
The very same people bitching about Chinese products are mostly the very same people whose buying habits started it all in the first place.

Are their chink back doors in many (if not all) chips, bet your ass their are, and they can be triggered via Chinese satellites in a one & done event. Do I blame the Chinese(do not use derogatory terms) for doing what they are doing,... Not One Bit. Like many nations their leadership is trying to protect their tomorrow. Ours only sees & cares about the next quarterly projections.

Remember the bulk of American consumers plus corporate greed caused this issue, you are just along for the ride. Many will get fucked when the chink Sats come calling,.... including,... All Branches,... of the US gov.
Maybe even as recently as a decade ago.

They’re now transitoning to mostly home - grown graduates.

And, nobody here wants to do hard stuff anymore.

Not worth attending U.S. universities, presently.

They’re all corporate profit scams.

Just like our hospitals; same modus operandi.

Look at our present pool of physicians.

Seems like we lack “True Grit.”
Counterpoint: For STEM job offerings: less than 5% of applicants were Americans. Its at the point where my boss would give away the job to someone who doesn't need a visa (and boss is foreign born). A former student of mine basically had the job all he had to do was not "F" up the interview.

Had no camera for interview
Didn't do the assignment (Which is standard in my field)
Asked what his 5 year plan was: "I dunnno"
Was a graduate of the state system so had an "in" with the boss.

I see it in the Bear Pit all the time about "academics" not knowing shit. There is a reason America i s behind. Its not cool to be smart. Its cool to be a FB player, BB player, tough guys.

But 2+2=4: NERD!

We did this to ourselves.
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Counterpoint: For STEM job offerings: less than 5% of applicants were Americans. Its at the point where my boss would give away the job to someone who doesn't need a visa (and boss is foreign born). A former student of mine basically had the job all he had to do was not "F" up the interview.

Had no camera for interview
Didn't do the assignment (Which is standard in my field)
Asked what his 5 year plan was: "I dunnno"
Was a graduate of the state system so had an "in" with the boss.

I see it in the Bear Pit all the time about "academics" not knowing shit. There is a reason America i s behind. Its not cool to be smart. Its cool to be a FB player, BB player, tough guys.

But 2+2=4: NERD!

We did this to ourselves.

Similar anecdote:

U.S. branch of a major foreign tire company has an engineer from said foreign country stationed here.

Asked him what the heck for, can’t specs simply be communicated over the wire - meet the requirements, sell the product?

Answer: Local engineers find whatever excuses to simply not do their jobs. He’s here “to run a tight ship.”

We are doomed.
Similar anecdote:

U.S. branch of a major foreign tire company has an engineer from said foreign country stationed here.

Asked him what the heck for, can’t specs simply be communicated over the wire - meet the requirements, sell the product?

Answer: Local engineers find whatever excuses to simply not do their jobs. He’s here “to run a tight ship.”

We are doomed.
This same thing was going on in the 90's with a major EPG manufacturer. Their chief magnetics eng was in the UK and they sent fax's back & forth. After a major, major math screw up make the production line, he moved to the US, to ride herd.
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This same thing was going on in the 90's with a major EPG manufacturer. Their chief magnetics eng was in the UK and they sent fax's back & forth. After a major, major math screw up make the production line, he moved to the US, to ride herd.

It’s really all on us, then.

Wish we’d all man up and stop playing the victim…
Another thread attempting to rag on Holosun for existing.... Yawn
If Thomas Matthew Crooks had bothered to zero his rifle properly been using anything other than the SHIT-TIER, freedom-hating, communist-produced, garbage-constructed, neckbeard-marketed, IP-thefted, 25MOA parallax optic that is Holosun, Trump would be dead*.
Fixed that for you.

Please continue bitching about Holosun on a device made in China, sitting in a room 90% full of items made in or partially sourced from China, unless you're in your car that sources most of the electrical components and mechanical parts from...... wait for it...... CHINA. The irony tastes so good.
Another thread attempting to rag on Holosun for existing.... Yawn

Fixed that for you.

Please continue bitching about Holosun on a device made in China, sitting in a room 90% full of items made in or partially sourced from China, unless you're in your car that sources most of the electrical components and mechanical parts from...... wait for it...... CHINA. The irony tastes so good.
Simple minded people saying simple minded things.

You are also helping to prove the point: You can't get a car without Chinese parts because we've rewarded their system to the point where we no longer produce those parts ourselves. Those parts from China are cheaper because a) we paid for the R&D that they then stole, and b) they have an involuntary workforce.

If you continue to choose holosun, you're just going to put us (the West or even non-communist countries) in the same position with respect to red dots in 5 or ten years.

Plus, your point is that all cars have Chinese-sourced parts. Therefore you have no viable alternatives if you want to buy a car. The same doesn't hold true for red dots.
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The same doesn't hold true for red dots.
... and where exactly do you think the advanced semi conductors to make said devices (or a vast majority of military hardware for that matter) come from?

The idea that if Holosun vanished from the earth tomorrow, the CCP would be damaged in any way is retarded. Trijicon & Aimpoint getting a fire lit under them to innovate and make what people want instead of changing nothing and relying on a patent and govt. contracts for decades is fine by me.
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