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Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)


Fruit is not supposed to go on pizza! What do you not understand?

While I am 100% with you on the rotten communist idea of pineapple on pizza, I do have one question.

If no fruit on pizza, what do you do for sauce???

99.9% of pizza sauce is tomato based.
Tomato is a fruit, as you agreed to above.

Again, only rotten commies put pineapple on pizza.
That is a known fact.
Growing up, my mother was an asthmatic. She had a can of some powder that she burned and inhaled the smoke to relieve the symptoms. When I got into my teens, I looks at the ingredients...the shit had belladonna in it! No wonder she was so happy! LOL
It was called Asthmadore. Straight cut leaf Belladonna. For some reason, in 1969, there was a can of it at Battalion Aid Station in the Engineer unit of the 82d. Issue item!
I read the instructions: pour a teaspoon full in the lid and touch a match to it to start smouldering. Breathe in the fumes for relief of asthma attack.
Clouds of smoke would rise from the lid, and it stunk like marijuana.
Someone had the bright idea to put a full lid in the window, and put the big room fan where it would blow the smoke out into the environment. Lots of random officers walking toward the battalion headquarters would stop and start looking all around for the source. Pretty hilarious until the SGM came stomping in… we told him we were treating a soldier with an asthma attack (a jr medic coughing and choking trying to hide his laughter). The medical platoon sgt confirmed the product to him, so he left to explain it up and down the chain of command. Best day ever at Ft Bragg.
Why not Iowa, you dadburned cornshucker jackoff?


Born and raised in SW IA.
All our corn leaned west for a reason…..
Cause NE sucks! 🤣

Both you and the Nebraskans can watch your dog run away for three days...

Flatlanders... sheesh....
