What are Trump's immediate priorities... Post Inaugural?


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  • Apr 8, 2021
    Tampa Bay, FL
    Assume (miracle of miracles) that Pres. Trump is elected the 47th (and then certified by the Electoral College and congress) and inaugurated again on 01/20/2025). What should be his immediate priorities in the first month or so after inauguration? What should he do immediately, or "short term," keeping in mind that there will still be efforts against him or to remove him or sabotage his presidency? Should he "clean house" (I assume the transition team won't be getting much help at all from the Biden admin)? This, of course, assumes we also take back the Senate and get a favorable Majority leader, etc.

    But what would you advise Trump to do in his first month or so after inauguration to protect himself? Who should he hire/fire day 1 (if they don't leave during the transition)? What would you advise him to do "tactically," right now, so he can do "strategic" things later on and "Make America Great Again?"
    Begin building the gallows.
    Take the oath, and say it again into the camera.
    Say nothing else until all the bad actors are rounded up, the gallows are done, and a charge of treason has been hung like an albatross around their neck.
    Then televise the event, and watch the wide eyes of the free world as the reprocessions of what has just happened sink in.
    But start with Hillary.
    My remaining list is only about 291 folks, but I'm sure investigations will turn over a few more.

    We will never have the America we all grew up in back again.
    What we fight for now is what our Country will look like going forward for our kids- and rooting out corruption is the first step.
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