invader takeovers


Full Member
Aug 11, 2010
florida 32621
just had this thought. there is obvious armed takeovers in CO. we've seen the vids. am sure there are many others around. these are prob felony acts in most places. why aren't the cops doing anything?
clearing a hotel etc would be a BFD.
they would certainly be out gunned and out fought.
they aren't required to protect anything or anyone.
they want to "get home safely". mah pension.
pols wouldn't allow it or order/authorize any action.
the DAs wouldn't jail any of the invaders or would let them out with scant fines or "community service".
usual harrassment,abuse and bullying isn't much use in this scenario.
cops are better used evicting legal residents for invaders housing use.
writing still more speeding tickets which is their favorite pastime is a better use of their service.
so defunding the police in their current form continues to be a decent idea.
their armored cars,choppers,body armor,military grade weapons,advanced comm is useless in current cop hands
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they would certainly be out gunned and out fought.

I think that would depend on what unit shows up. Street cops would most lilely be a staemate at best with a number of cvilian deaths. Larger department/fed special units would anihilate them and a number of civilians. Think Waco.

The rest of your post is spot on
Because the biggest threat to our democracy is white supremacy.

WTF… didn’t you get the memo?

None of that stuff is for armed foreign gangs murdering and raping and dealing drugs and eating your tabby. Those folks are our strength!!!!

All that hardware is there to protect our diversity from bad, bad Americans who think our laws, Constitution, borders and right to exist as a nation…. Matter.

Just look at jolly old England where they emptied the jails of criminals so they have space for people who post memes and sing “Hail Britannia.” Those radicals must be stopped!

just had this thought. there is obvious armed takeovers in CO. we've seen the vids. am sure there are many others around. these are prob felony acts in most places. why aren't the cops doing anything?

Why are the cops doing anything? Why is the press not only hiding it but gaslighting anybody that says it's true? Wakey-Wakey!
O come on guys I’m sure if ms-13 or a analog group say took over a commercial apartment or a house and sold drugs and raped locals and chopped them up with a machete the LOCAL POLICE would be all over them- or maybe busy at a dui check point