m24 back in stock


Commercial Supporter
Commercial Supporter
Full Member
Oct 3, 2023
Here they are.....very short supply
Why did the price jump? They were down to like $27-2800 when they were oos.
Prices are much higher now everywhere, thanks to inflation. Rare/desirable guns aren't going to get any cheaper. EuroOptic has also had this sitting around for a few years, until their deal with the buyer fell through. So, that's also a lot of overhead cost in paying for and owning all of these rifles, and storing them for many years. I'm sure that they'd like to make up for some of this lost revenue. Comparing these limited edition ASA M24's to the real military M24's, these are priced much lower and are available right now for collectors to purchase. EuroOptic's price is equal to or lower than the other M24 ASA limited edition sniper rifles listed on Gunbroker. Taking all of this into consideration, the pricing on these EuroOptic ASA M24's is where they should be, and there's not reason to even think that they're out of line with their pricing.




EuroOptic is at $3,500, which is tied for the lowest price M24 ASA limited edition that's currently for sale on Gunbroker. And I bet if you ask Conner nicely, they might be able to hook Sniper's Hide members up with a discount code and/or free shipping. I have no idea if a discount is available, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
I’m not bitching about the price, just asking. We were talking about the EO rifles a while back in the m24 thread and I thought it was odd they were lowering the price from the original $3k or whatever even though they’d been oos for a while.
EuroOptic has also had this sitting around for a few years, until their deal with the buyer fell through. So, that's also a lot of overhead cost in paying for and owning all of these rifles, and storing them for many years.
Pretty sure they were paid for, and issued a refund. I forget the buyer. I want to say Middle East.
My information came from talking to people directly involved with the deal, so I have no reason not to trust what I've been told.
So did mine, but I may have misunderstood. In the end, it does not really matter about the commercial aspects.

We have a few and are going to put into a rifle case with foam cut-outs.
it does not really matter about the commercial aspects.

This should have been your first line of thinking, as opposed to calling me out. This isn't information that affects any of us, and it's a matter that's long settled. Take the information and move on, it's that simple. As I previously wrote, "their deal with the buyer fell through." That's the main takeaway and that's the reason these rifles are available, nothing more, nothing less.

The thread slide is over, and now we can back to the topic at hand. Has anyone purchased one of these awesome rifles? If so, please post some pics and your thoughts on it!

I had one of the M24's with the original take-off parts that were sold by Remington many years ago. That rifle was like a damn laser, it was easily one of the best shooting 7.62 rifles I've ever owned and I really regret trading it to a friend. Anyone take one of these newer M24's to the range? How's the accuracy on these newer guns?