For that price point I think one of the Browning CX models are a very good value. I also highly recommend you get some type of target model with an adjustable comb. It's tempting to buy a field model but the features that come with a sporting model is worth the added cost. I've been very lucky and I've shot everything from the cheapest Turkish guns to some of the most ridiculously expensive European guns made. I currently shoot a K-gun, I shot a citori for 15 years before that. They are very well made and shoot very good. Someone is going to recommend a Beretta 686 for that price point. Beretta makes an excellent shotgun, their high end stuff, DT11, etc, are amazing. I personally have never liked their lower lines. They always have had more felt recoil than Brownings in my opinion. Shotguns are all about what fits you. Your experience may be completely opposite of mine. If you can, go to a range and try different guns before you buy, that is always the best. Most people are happy to brag about their expensive shotguns and will let you shoot them!
Good luck! Sporting Clays is damn fun and very addicting!