Oh...and for all of you non-sneaky fuckers, I just shot a coyote at what my Halo XRF said was 50 yards. I might go look for him in the morning but not likely. Maybe it can serve as bait.
I was wearing my tighty whitey's, too, not to get you too excited
@akmike47, but there I was, half naked, bare footed (like every good stalker should be) and stalked right up on a pack of 5. I got the first one but missed the next 5 shots at the rest running.
I had to try to be vewy, vewy sneaky when I opened the back door and stepped out on the back porch. They were singing...I think it might be mating season,
@diggler1833 would know more. I stepped out and rested my rifle on the tripod I have set-up semi permanently and looked through the Halo XRF and, sure enough, there they were, just a few yards beyond the solar array.
A less sneaky fucker would never had been able to stalk so close.
If I am in the right position, I'd kill the last living coyote on earth. Same, same for the woofs.