.300 Win Mag Hornady Tap 178gr ELD


Jul 21, 2009
Austin, TX
Mods please move if this isn’t the right place.

Curious what kind of results people have experienced with Hornady TAP .300 Win Mag 178gr ELD rounds. Taking my TCOLE Basic Sniper course next month, minimum round count is 500, and the platform I have available is a .300 Win Mag. Was trying to find a reasonable cost / performance match ammo for this specific training, and this Hornady TAP ammo is $1.68/rd which is a much better price point than I have been able to find on somewhat comparable offerings like Federal Gold Medal Match 190gr. It is advertised as NTOA recommended but beyond that I haven’t really seen any postings after searching the forum regarding SD and such or independent reviews on other sites. Please let me know if you have experienced any significant consistency issues and if should look for a different factory route. Thanks!