KAK products

I bought an upper from them recently, it was their rifle length gas 16”. Can’t say I was overly impressed with the handguard. Not that it felt flimsy, but the finish looked like it was powder coated. It also didn’t index correctly with the upper. The only way to fix that would be to remove material on one of the tabs that are designed to index it correctly with the upper receiver.
The barrel looked good with a bore scope and shot decent. The best part of the whole deal was the bcg, can’t tell it apart from a Microbest.
If I were to buy from them again it would only be individual components.
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I have a couple of their 12.5" mid gas barrels, one in 5.56 and one in 6mm ARC. Haven't worked up loads in either yet but the 5.56 is good for ~1.5" with 75gr AAC Saber black tip, plenty good for something that wears a 3x prism and is intending for around the property. I will be working up loads for the ARC after deer season, but a brief session with 108gr factory looked good, and it dropped a few deer well. Not bad for $70 for the 5.56 barrel and $140 for the ARC.

I do want to try one of their downward venting bcgs, as they seem to get pretty rave reviews for suppressed use.
I have bought all sorts of "small" parts from them ( 308 Buffers , K-Spec buffers, Downward Vent BCG's ( just ordered a 308 one )
I have been happy with all of it.
I also got one of their complete uppers a few weeks ago, the handguard was quite rigid to me ( I didn't notice anything about the finish )

I haven't tried any of the receiver sets, but I image they would be GTG. I prefer a tight upper to lower fitment, so my goto has been SOLGW.

To be honest, if KAK sucked... we would see threads about that frequently, but I can't remember reading even one KAK sucks thread.
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