
i bet you can aloha snackbar all you want.

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I guess my point is that the RINOs are not going to go quietly into the night. They’re scheming behind the scenes and not willing to speak as a member of congress and speaking anonymously to the press…unbecoming of a Senator IMO.
They have little humor in that room but they have probably heard the same jokes thousands of times.

I told mine to be gentle she was going to be my first or something stupid like that.

I’m sure they took ass pics and posted them on some doctor website.
Sounds like he is saying….”As long as MIC is fed money and kept happy, than Americans can have peace.”

Implied is……”Do not provide MIC with money we will ensure you some war to induce fear and force your wallets open.”
What amazes me, although it shouldn't, is that Trump took a bullet to the head (ear) and dragged the GOP crying, whining, fighting him every step of the way to VICTORY and they still bust his balls with his candidates to fill government positions.... Sad as hell.

I don’t at all mean to target you directly, but what makes people think they are not one and the same? Two heads on the same snake. It’s an old behavioral control mechanism and it works wonderfully. I just don’t understand how more folks can’t see it.

There’s no R vs D, it’s Statists versus us self reliant citizens, that’s it. It’s all just kabuki theatre.

Both sides are bleeding this country dry while it’s dying a very long and slow painful death. Now it seems as though they’re intentionally and flagrantly trying to speed up the process, as if they know something is coming that we don’t.


The parties are just two businesses......Cogswell Cogs and Spaceleys Space Sprockets.

They vie for control but if anything threatens either they collude to protect the status quo.

I think the R brand has decided being the cuck is lucrative as it provides drama that results in donated money.

They like being "this close" to power so they can say "with just a bit more money we can change this".

If they actually do get power they do nothing with it.

They don't mind the Dems in power because everyone is afraid of what they will do so they donate to the Rs in hopes of stopping them.

Tea Party comes along they both join to crush the change of status quo.

Wouldn't be surprised if Dems and Rs discussed and planned PA together.

If you thin R wants Trump you are mistaken.

If I think Trump is the second coming of GW I am mistaken.