Is it recommended or not to shoot your load develpment ladders/OCW with the can on if 90% of your shooting will be suppressed? Or is it better to find the load without the can and then tweak as necessary from there?
Thanks! That's been pretty much my attitude as well. "Train like you fight". I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something that was hampering my load dev and causing issues.
Thanks! That's been pretty much my attitude as well. "Train like you fight". I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something that was hampering my load dev and causing issues.
I do the same. I’ll load a few extra of the starting load. Maybe 3 extra rounds. I use those to get on target and verify the rounds stabilize. Then I’ll add the can and proceed
Sounds good. Ive been doing that for a while (load Dev with the can on) and have had no issues. I just was curious what the prevailing wisdom was. Thanks!
I have always done it with a suppressor because that’s what I like to shoot and then I also do a zero after I’ve done load development and zero with the suppressor on without the suppressor in case I’m ever in a communist state that doesn’t let me use them and just note the offsets