I don't have experience with all three, but I do own a Kauger PRS action. I bought it right after the 2021 Precision Rifle Expo. They changed the name of it some time during this year.
I've shot mine side by side with Origin and a buddy's Impact, all three shooting the same 6-BR load. All three are great.
I love everything about the Kauger with a single exception. I can't buy an off the shelf prefit from Proof.
However, Gunsmith Larry Archer can make a prefit for it and the caliber etching will line up perfectly. Also, Alex Wheeler has been working with Tim Kauger in the final development of their BR-3 action. That should tell you a lot.
Hopefully soon we can get off the shelf prefits and I won't have to purchase a blank and deal with the short turn around time.
FYI: Larry didn't need my action in hand to fit and chamber the barrel. I had it drop shipped and he sent it to me upon completion.