Who all makes short throw Lefty Actions?


Full Member
Feb 2, 2018
Fairfield, Illinois
As title states, looking to see who all makes lefty actions in short throw 60* or less?

I know there are a few but I want an integrated recoil lug and would prefer an integrated rail or at least pinned.

I been looking hard at the Terminus actions as well as Ultimatum actions.

What do you all suggest in left hand configuration short throw?
Never seen an action that's less then 60° outside of straight pulls. You are pretty limited by only wanting 60°. There's a bunch of really good actions that I would take over a Curtis or terminus that are 70-75°
Kelbly prometheus, impact 737, arc cdg (though I personally would get my hands on an archemedias if I could), bat hammerhead all off the top of my head. I'd have to dig to see what I've forgotten
As title states, looking to see who all makes lefty actions in short throw 60* or less?

I know there are a few but I want an integrated recoil lug and would prefer an integrated rail or at least pinned.

I been looking hard at the Terminus actions as well as Ultimatum actions.

What do you all suggest in left hand configuration short throw?
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