Suppressors Opinions on Rugged Alaskan 360


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Aug 12, 2020
MS Gulf Coast/World Traveler
Interested mostly in noise suppression and accuracy.

Would be used primarily on 9mm PCC and 350 Legend rifle.

Initially would also like to use on bolt action .30 caliber rifles (308 and 300 PRC) as well as a 6.5 Creed until I save up enough for a dedicated 30-caliber can.

Appreciate the feedback.
No one?

I got to compare the Rugged Alaskan 360 to a SilencerCo Hybrid 46M in the store yesterday.

I have no desire to suppress anything over .35-cliber at this time, but the Hybrid 46M also uses HUB mounting.

My dealer has a SilencerCo Omega 36M coming in, but that doesn't use HUB mounting.

Would going with the larger can with more baffles (46M) be better or worse when used on the .30-caliber rounds?

I have no desire to use these on a pistol.
I do not currently have an Alaskan 360 so take this for what it’s worth.
I do own both a surge 7.62 and a razor 556, as well as an obsidian 45….
I have been 100% happy with the level of suppression each of the cans provide on their given hosts, the surge on my 6.5cm is wonderful….I’ve shot it plenty of times without feeling the need for ear pro. The razor for what it is does a pretty job of taming 556 out of the 10.5 pistol I have it on, still wear ear pro but I have never shot a short 556 suppressed that I didn’t want ear pro shooting with lol. The obsidian is wonderful both on my 9mm and 45acp hosts, I have yet to try it with 300blk, that’s where the surge shines the brightest.
My next can will very likely be an Alaskan 360ti simply because I want another rifle can that’s lighter than my surge and if it suppressed as well as my surge does I’ll be 100% satisfied with it.
Just my 2 cents.
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I have a Rugged Alaskan 360Ti that I purchased for my Ruger American .350 Legend. I am very happy with it. I don't even notice it on the end of the rifle with a 22 inch barrel. I run Winchester 180gr which is a little louder than the 150 gr whiched surprised me a little at first. If you are going to with a bigger can like a 46 caliber make sure you can get different size end caps. I have a Griffin Armament Bushwhacker 46. I have the 46, 36, and 30 caliber end caps for it and do hear a difference when used vs just using the 46 end cap. Even with the 36 end cap on the Bushwhacker the Alaskan is quieter on the rifle. I have not had the chance to try it out on a .9mm yet.
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