Pillars for a Manners EH1 TK


Full Member
Jun 20, 2014
Vancouver, WA
I bought a EH1 TK used and it didn’t come with pillars. Anyone know where I can get replacements? Tried calling Manners today but they’re closed for the holidays and I got some time off as well so I’d like to get them soon so I can get them installed and glass bed the action. Thanks
No clue if they are different size for TK stocks but I have some extras (from non TK) I can send you if you just cover the shipping

I typically use the pillars that come with my bottom metals.

I’ll be using the factory Tikka bottom plastic with this EH1TK stock and it doesn’t have pillars. I’m waiting on a reply from Manners to see if there’s a difference in the pillars between the rem 700 and Tikka inletted stocks.