Need Some Ballistics App Advice


Jan 4, 2023
I'm new into long range shooting, doing some NRL Hunter matches and maybe some PRS. I currently have some Sig KILO6K HDX with (from what I understand) Applied Ballistic built in. I'm pretty sure eventually I'll get a Kestrel, but thinking I may just get the one that tells wind speed? I get my pressure, temp and altitude data from my Garmin Fenix 7X.

What app would you recommend? I've been using the Hornady 4DOF, it works well and most of what I shoot are Hornady bullets. I have the old Strelok Pro on an old Android tablet that I really like because it makes a distinction between zeroing conditions, and current shooting conditions. Are there any other apps that take into account the zeroing conditions and the current shooting conditions. My home range is 5000 feet, but I'll shoot from 0 to 10,000 feet and it would be nice to not have to zero every time I change conditions if I don't have the ability to (for example, hunting scenarios)