We have got to de-militarize our Police, and Gov. agencies. Cant these cops just go knock on the door at 9 oclock in the morning and say we got this complaint we'd like to discuss with you?
These full on military raids on American citizens are insane. Half the time these morons aren't at the right house. Take away all the military vehicles, flash bangs, whatever military or Batman toys they have. There has to be more intelligent ways of policing then the current kicking in people doors and windows, full auto weapons, flashbangs, gas. Save all this shit for when you are 1,000 % sure you got a legitimate asshole on your hands. I'm sure there is some kind of escalation of force these guys are supposed to use, but all ya ever see is them throwing flashbangs in a single moms home who has a baby on some kind of breathing equipment, burning the kid and hospitalizing them. Our law enforcement agencies are becoming terrorist organizations.