Springfield prodigy in very good condition, with a round count of only 350. It does have slight holster wear starting to show. Carried a lot, shot a little. Other than that, it’s look great.
- Original box with paperwork
- 2x 17rd mags
- Optic plate with hardware (new)
- Streamlight TLR-1 HL
- OD Green ANR designs OWB holster with RTI mount
SOLD shipped to the lower 48 where legal
300 Blackout ARP. Excellent condition. Only 40 rds on it. I just use my p&w 13.9” more is only reason for sale.
- Aero M4E1 upper and lower recievers
- American Defense (ADM) 9” mlok rail
- 10” ballistic advantage barrel
- SOLGW gas block
- Hyperfire trigger
- Strike industries enhanced LPK (takedown pins, bolt and mag release and Ambi safety)
- Magpul k2 grip
- Nitride FA BCG and standard charging handle
$760 complete ARP with lower
$460 for the upper complete with BCG/CH
Prices are shipped to the lower 48 where legal
Zelle, PayPal FF, or Venmo for payment
- Original box with paperwork
- 2x 17rd mags
- Optic plate with hardware (new)
- Streamlight TLR-1 HL
- OD Green ANR designs OWB holster with RTI mount
SOLD shipped to the lower 48 where legal
300 Blackout ARP. Excellent condition. Only 40 rds on it. I just use my p&w 13.9” more is only reason for sale.
- Aero M4E1 upper and lower recievers
- American Defense (ADM) 9” mlok rail
- 10” ballistic advantage barrel
- SOLGW gas block
- Hyperfire trigger
- Strike industries enhanced LPK (takedown pins, bolt and mag release and Ambi safety)
- Magpul k2 grip
- Nitride FA BCG and standard charging handle
$760 complete ARP with lower
$460 for the upper complete with BCG/CH
Prices are shipped to the lower 48 where legal
Zelle, PayPal FF, or Venmo for payment
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