New Manners TCS-MAX for 2025…
Personally, I’m kind of underwhelmed, as the new one seems to balance exactly the same way as my first generation old one with the original steel rail they offered originally already does (the new one is just a little heavier overall). The new one just seems to help fix the problem with the newer TCS stocks that come with the lighter aluminum rails they moved to over the last couple/few years being tough to balance right (which was a poor decision to move to IMHO when compared to the early steel railed ones).
Things I think were missed or weren’t addressed are the grip to trigger distance is still too long for anyone who doesn’t wear XL-sized gloves, and I was hoping they’d make the forearm longer to get the bipod out further and add more real estate, maybe with mlok on the sides instead of the Sike’s rails to add weights or whatever out front, etc. I also don’t dig that they require bottom metal now as the mini-chassis was already pretty sweet (it maybe just needed an adjustable mag catch for some).
Personally, I’m kind of underwhelmed, as the new one seems to balance exactly the same way as my first generation old one with the original steel rail they offered originally already does (the new one is just a little heavier overall). The new one just seems to help fix the problem with the newer TCS stocks that come with the lighter aluminum rails they moved to over the last couple/few years being tough to balance right (which was a poor decision to move to IMHO when compared to the early steel railed ones).
Things I think were missed or weren’t addressed are the grip to trigger distance is still too long for anyone who doesn’t wear XL-sized gloves, and I was hoping they’d make the forearm longer to get the bipod out further and add more real estate, maybe with mlok on the sides instead of the Sike’s rails to add weights or whatever out front, etc. I also don’t dig that they require bottom metal now as the mini-chassis was already pretty sweet (it maybe just needed an adjustable mag catch for some).