E. R. Shaw Rifles

No love for the Mk VII rifle...

Here is what I have learned:

The action is a Savage action that Shaw specifies and blueprints in either 4140 or stainless.

The barrel nut is removed/not used and a larger recoil lug is used.

The AccuTrigger is fine tuned.

The barrel can be completely specified.

Did I miss anything?
I haven't looked at their complete rifles but have looked at their Salvage prefits and own a 243 barrel, the twist rates seemed to be too slow for every caliber if you want to shoot the high BC heavy for caliber bullets. My 243 barrel is very accurate with 95gr SST's, it will consistently make 5 round groups at or close to 1/2".
I had a Mark VII in 260 Rem. It took almost twice the estimated build time to get to me, and struggled to shoot MOA with the majority of loads i tried. The spiral fluting sure looked nice though.
I have one in 6.5 creedmoor and it is super accurate with Prime 130 or Berger 140s. I don't like the accutrigger in any gun so I put a Timney in it. I have shot multiple 6" groups at 800 yards with it. For a hunting rifle or groundhog gun they are great. Target shooting also work fine but they dont come with DBM so you need to do more work on your end to compete with one.

A few buddies have them also and they all cut holes. 204 Ruger, 300 Win, 338 RUM.
I would upload photos of groups but I am not sure how to.
I've been up to the shop when I visit my folks, I picked up one of their 10/22 rifles that has their barrel and it's in a Magpul X22 stock. Pretty fantastic little rifle, and less expensive than doing it all yourself. If the 22 is representative of their bigger stuff, then I would have no issues buying one of their rifles. The guys are good to work with, and apparently they make barrels for several other companies out there as well.
I have an older E.R. Shaw custom P14 Enfield in 375HH. It is a lovely walnut and blued steel Safari Rifle. I am the 2nd owner when the first passed on and his estate sold it at auction. It is every bit as nice as a best quality Rigby. Shaw modified the Enfield action to cock on open instead of cocking on close. This very strong CRF action is in many ways better than the Mauser which is one of its only true competitors. When I took delivery, I scoped the bbl. While it looks to have only been fired sparsely, the bore in the Shaw bbl was as rough as any I have ever inspected. There was tons of spiral machine marks where the bbl blank was gun drilled. Frankly, it looked like shit. Fortunately, the looks of a bbl count for little. This rifle shoots as good as any I own. Better than most and I was amazed with the results. It routinely prints 1/2" groups at 100y. I even fired a 1.5" group at 400y on steel one day while shooting plates on our long range. I cannot say if it will do it every time (doubtful) but since shooting this SOB off of a bench is not fun, I doubt if I will ever try again. Couple of pics of rifle and that unicorn group.

ERShaw2.jpgERShaw 375HH 2.jpg400y grp Barnes 300g TSX.jpgShaw 375.jpg