we will finally get an accurate job numbers count and unemployment rate around Jan 20th. (It' going to be horrible)
I'm sure it's all bad news and the economy is tanking starting Jan 20th. last 4 years GREAT, next 4 years HORRIBLE.
rinse and repeat everytime a R president takes office.
A lot of the business class is done with the leftist tripe on pretty much every issue.
Auto makers got screwed over wasting billions on RDT&E for stupid EVs, that could have been spent on making better IC engines, affordable, mass-producible automobiles for working/middle class.
Tech giants see in real-time the backlash against the woke faggotry, degenerate corrosion of society, and how they are associated with censorship.
Mid and small companies feel the pinch with dumbed-down kids from public schools as the employee pool, and government regulations halting every aspect of their business activities, except importing more H-1B visas. Government efficiency is world-class in that space for some reason.
Most of the population doesn’t trust any legacy media institutions, so they can hire retarded simps to write op-ed pieces that nobody will ever read, and it won’t matter what numbers they spew.
It feels like a major departure from D vs R politics where we’re at in the US. Platform pillars people used to associate with the other party have flipped or were ejected from the room like musical chairs.
Dems love the CIA and FBI, CDC, and censorship.
Republicans are the party of the working class, very critical of large corporations, uninterested in more wars.
This is a sea of change for the US.