That’s from elevated testosterone, just because you went to the gym didn’t mean no one else does/did lol
My buddy works with IFBB types so I’ve met plenty of freaks. I know a woman who squats 500 and benches 300, it’s not natural lol. My old bosses wife was twice the ladies size you posted and even she’s a freak compared to every other woman(your friend). I also worked out at a gym where all the local comp powerlifters go, they work out hard as hell and the girls don’t look like giga Chad…it’s the lack of gear.
If she isn’t/wasnt on something then Ronny Coleman was also natural lol. It’s the game man it’s not some secret no one knows about. It’s like getting into higher racing classes and claiming your cars stock.
If it wasn’t for the side effects and it wasn’t illegal I’d get back in the gym and juice to the gills. I’d have a heart attack for sure so I’m good.